We are home. Watching news .. OMG. Such terrible news. Pray for - TopicsExpress


We are home. Watching news .. OMG. Such terrible news. Pray for those 295 people on MH17 Im stunned . What a bad day for our Malaysia . What a sad sad news for the on board peoples families . Please do not speculate people ... Please ( saw some people already into blaming siapa yg patut & ada yg try to joke about this disaster news ) Wer so quick to judge ( bila kita kutuk2 , it make us fell better about ourself) Wer so into blaming & maki the people the we dont even know like the OKU mom & Kiki .. Yes, they were in the wrong but trolls & trolls dgn kata2 nesta actually tak ada faedahnya . People make mistakes . Yg menambah dosa maki2 time Ramadan ada la kut .. ( maybe, im no expert ) They are sooo many more REAL bad & meaner people HERE in our beloved country like the one raping children, the cuai / malas staff in taska/ nursery yg mishandle babies hingga mati, the PATI yg melakukan jenayah kejam , the one rompak & bunuh , those snatch on bike tu , the one the culik & jual budak , those yg tipu/kidnap & jual perempuan , those syndicate, samseng , along & gengsters, those drug dealers & also the corrupt politicians ( not taking sides here k ) ... These people are really hurting our nation & our lives . Ini kesan buruknya really traumatizing & kekal for a long2 time . Tapi kita lebih suka & fokus pada benda2 yg lebih kecil yet gempak & speculative . About MH17 , Let us pray . Please god help them . & all of us . DN & Lee Haji Wahid
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:51:21 +0000

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