"We are in a transition period right now. The deck is shifting - TopicsExpress


"We are in a transition period right now. The deck is shifting beneath our feet as the winds shift. The wind isn’t on our best quarter any longer, I’m afraid. It’s backing and we are going to have batten down and run to windward under close-reefed top-sails. Committed ideological liberals are emboldened right now. They think they have the big mo. They are sending the fleet out. They are going to try to dismantle everything Benedict ever did and a lot of what John Paul II did too. The liberal-tepids, seeing the way the wind is blowing, will follow them. To use more nautical imagery, they have the weather gauge and they will eat the wind from our sails if we aren’t diligent and smart. Moderate conservatives will drift towards them. We can see it happening already, even in the blogosphere. What we need, however, is hard-identity Catholicism. That means traditional forms and teachings. Alas, liberals have everyone convinced that only liberals care for the poor. In the book I just read on Francis, the author’s starting point was that conservative/traditionalists don’t care about “the poor”. It is a premise they simply expect everyone to accept without question. This trope is going to be ever on their lips and pens and keyboards in the foreseeable future. So, perhaps we need two tracks. We have to press on and persevere: drive forward and use those provisions in law which Benedict put in place. At the same time, correct the course and defeat every liberal accusation flung in your teeth (“conservatives hate the poor… all traddies are bilious and angry… traditionalists don’t participate in the life of the parish… this is only nostalgia…” blah blah blah…). Do NOT give up for a minute. We have the provisions of law and we have the inspiration of both Francis and Benedict. We will not be guilty of pitting the one Pope against the other. Claim for yourselves hard-identity Catholicism and true concern for works of mercy. If there is a lack of focus also… also… on works of mercy, then apply correctives. The Francis Phenomenon and his call for a greater focus on “the poor”, is in no way harmful. But be ready: liberals will use “the poor” as a weapon against all things Benedictine or traditional (e.g., “the poor” respond only to flappy-happy easily understood worship). Here’s an idea: traditionalists should create alliances with and reach out to the Hispanic community! Create common bonds and unity within our common liturgical tradition that doesn’t favor. As I look around, in these USA the traditional movement looks pretty “anglo”. True Catholic identity includes true ecumenism, true inculturation, true “preferential option for the poor”, true charisms and prophetic evangelization. It has to include, as a sine qua non, true sacred liturgical worship. Here is a take away point: Hard-identity Catholicism is not just about what form Sunday Mass is in. It involves all of life. Use this time of transition to develop a new sail plan and course corrections."--Fr. Z
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 05:40:35 +0000

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