We are in the ER. Her blood sugar was 128 when we left our house - TopicsExpress


We are in the ER. Her blood sugar was 128 when we left our house and it was 73 when we got here. Goes to show how quickly her body burns through her blood sugar. They had to poke her twice to access her port but she handled it like a champ. This morning we got an email from the doctors in Pittsburgh that Sawyers blood work had came back abnormal and to watch for any symptoms of infection. We were on high alert. Sawyer started having diarrhea and increased vomiting. This afternoon Sawyer became unresponsive while I was showering with her. We had to pour sugar water in her mouth to get her sugar up enough to get her to wake up. By the time we checked her blood sugar, it was 5 minutes after she got the sugar water, her blood sugar was 65. Anything less than 70 is really scary for kids like Sawyer who cant bring their own blood sugar up. We were checking it every 30 minutes and it started to bottom out again so we started her feeding early. At the end of her feed, she became inconsolable, screaming and throwing herself around for about 30 minutes. She finally wore herself out and passed out on my chest. We checked her blood sugar and it was 128. Although its a higher number, its a bad sign. Her body dumps all of the stored sugar in her liver, called glycogen, as a last resort before it starts to break down its muscles. Her blood sugar will get really high and then it drops as she burns through the only sugar it has left before she goes into a metabolic crisis. When we got here to the ER it was 73. It had dropped by 55 points, which is a huge difference. We are hoping we caught the virus in time before it made a big impact on her little body and its fragile metabolic state. Please keep praying. Also, we had an appointment with her surgeon this morning to get the results of the EGG. The good news and bad news is that her contractility is abnormal. Her stomachs electrical activity is way slower than it should be and thats why she is vomiting. There are a couple medication options we can try to help speed everything up. This automatically disqualifies her as a candidate for a Nissen. Hopefully once we get this crisis under control we can start treatment for her stomach stuff. We love you all. Thank you so much. The pictures are of Sawyer playing peek-a-boo with a puke bucket at the doctors, and her being super sweet snuggly baby just a couple hours before her hypoglycemic episode. The last picture of her tonight while we rest in the ER.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 04:06:48 +0000

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