We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but - TopicsExpress


We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep. ~ William James Typically, we create in isolation. We bring something to whatever medium in which we work that is meaningful to us...a message, a color, a pattern, a texture, an image...whatever. We do things that resonate within. In most instances, at some point, we release these creations out to the world. And when another soul finds resonance in our art, there is connection. We begin to find our tribe. And there is something special and magical about that connection. The deeper we go inward to create, the more universal the art and the more connection we find. Because in that deepest part of our souls, our essence, we are all connected. The Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego looks incredible different from Victoria Island or from the Hawaiian Islands but when you examine the base of each, you find theyre all made from the same stuff. Its the same with us. Even as we work in isolation, let us not be fooled that we are alone. That for which we mine is that which connects us all. We are one. And when someone finds meaning in our art, even meaning we did not see or intend, we connect. And the world becomes just a little less hostile, a little less foreign. A little more home. Namaste, yall...
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:59:36 +0000

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