We are living in a time of mass extinction...The culprit at heart - TopicsExpress


We are living in a time of mass extinction...The culprit at heart is western industrial military corporate unsustainability reaching a point of irreversible damage and change to our finite/limited living space... which can absorb its destruction to the point of utter ruin...and then?...And then we enter a new age...of myth, fable and dark dark tales...Innate fears will keep future numbers low...and consumption to a minimum.. as usable things are sought treasured..recycled or used out of hand...Books will be good firewood along with long burning chemicals in cans...Clear glass panes...I can see...clear as glass will be treasured....The reason I can say this has to do with rat behaviour and human models as well...Rats within a closed environment, given all the resources they can consume...except more room...experience population growth to the point of collapse... Enough food but no room leads to social breakdown...health breakdown and environmental pollution as all those resources are turned to waste...In the case of rats the population crashes as mothers devour their own or anothers young... as all hell breaks loose...A remnant population reestablishes itself at a lower permanent sustainable level... in accordance with their limited space... Even with unlimited resources available... they stay in check... The human example is Easter Island...of course...Polynesians found a rich tropical forested environment... good for all their needs...from agriculture to forest products... but population got out of hand...too many people...too small a space... and a competition for resources... Europeans found a tiny remnant population... no boats..no memory of boats...no trees..no memory of trees...no memory even of how those statues came into being... Archeologists are responsible for this history remembered... When people arrived in Tasmania they came in boats...possessed fish nets...all sorts of technology... Europeans arrived to find...for whatever reason...people living a stone age existence...As a result they were hunted for sport and elimination...until only King Billy remained...mocked, ridiculed but never actually destroyed... try as they might...he was a survivor until the end...At which point his skull was sent off to London for display and comparison to other so called archaic skulls...Oh yes...the age of extinction... last man standing, and all that...Our triumph over all those other brutes till now...in this the age of utter, total, fine and refined extinctions... We gas hogs are hard driving and driven...Lets take all the extra carbon accumulated during the last 500 million years...and burn it...Lets set the world on fire...Oh thats right...we already have...So lets watch it burn...burn baby burn...Im gonna miss you when youre gone...and then no one will remember...Its nice to know your end...I always say...but honestly ...Im not so sure...So long as individuals do not stand in mass and cast votes of change to replace mindlessness with reason...we are doomed...We could free ourselves if we act as one...just once...Return ownership of ourselves to ourselves... You dont think youre owned?...think again....We can free ourselves if individuals act en mass for their own selfish reasons....and everyone elses too...We can gain the train...assert mindful control over this our impending disaster... rein it in...accept the pain we are already doomed too...but put an end to accumulating damage...save what we can....Knowing for once what we are about...as a long term goal....a sustainable, rational, emotionally rich existence as standard fare...everywhere
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 07:03:57 +0000

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