We are looking for partners primary schools for our KA2 Strategic - TopicsExpress


We are looking for partners primary schools for our KA2 Strategic partnerships Project Istanbul/Turkey We are looking for partner for great project. School has 500 students, there are 30 teachers and 2 administrators. Our students are aged 12-15 The name of our project is CLEAN THE NATURE WITH MUSIC Links Contact: veyselcannn@gmail About Project: youtube/watch?v=OXHdZ5g4bYw tvhaber/video/27114/koyde-mehteran-takimi.html webtv.hurriyet.tr/2/32637/0/1/atik-malzemelerden-muzik-aletleri-yaptilar.aspx tvarsivi/vanda-ogrenciler-atiklardan-mehteran-araclari-yaparak-caldilar-22-05-2012-izle-i_2012050682231.html About Turkey Country youtube/watch?v=MEAc_VoP8so About İstanbul City en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istanbul istanbulkulturturizm.gov.tr/?_dil=2 About Eyüp/ County en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ey%C3%BCp About Our School eyupdedekorkutortaokulu.meb.k12.tr/ TO PROJECT: CLEAN THE NATURE WITH MUSIC The aim of our project is to give students the ability to be sensitive to the environment and to protect nature. It is substantial to tell the importance of recycling for the protection of the nature by making creative tools with using waste materials to gain this aim. In the process of realization of the project, our students will make creative artistic activities based on the philosophy of common language ‘music’ and within the framework of peace, love, tolerance. The message which is to increase the interaction between our students and the students who grown up in different cultures by creating a common power and to protect the nature and world with music will be displayed throughout the project. Our students from different geography and culture who are the next generation will contribute to the formation of a cleaner world. As a result of the Project, the students will know their own cultures as well as they will have a universal thought because they interact and communicate with different cultures. Eyüp Dede Korkut primary school, Eyüp district where 500 students attends, the teachers made ability test to select the studennts who are successful in music and founded a mehteran team selecting 30 students. Mehteran, Ottoman Janissary Military Band is the oldest military band in the world. It is derived from ‘mihter’ in Persian. It took place with little changes in Turkish states before Islam. The patriarch of the Janissaries as well as Mehteran is Hacı Bektaşi Veli. Before each performance it is a tradition to pray in the name of the Prophet Ali and Hacı Bektaşı Veli and to mention their names in the marches. There are three important symbols: guild, sanjak and victory. In Ottomon mehteran, there were wind instruments such as horn, pipe and kurenay and percussions such as drum, nakkare, cymbal and cevgan. The number of the instruments was equal and depending on this number it was determined how many floors there are in the janissary band. Mehter is a name given to the community who performs military music in Ottomans, the word mehter is mihter in Persian which means the biggest and the greatest. The Arabic word for this in Turkish is mehter in singular and mehteran in plural. Janissary band was closed together with Ahi and Bektashi centers by the Sultan II. Mahmud in 1826 and it was re-opened by Enver Pasha in 1908. With the foundation of the janissary band, the students not only met with the music but also used waste products to make the instruments of the janissary band. They used their creativity. They used instruments composed of waste materials such as soda bottle, stove pipe, sink stone, comb, siphon and water bins. Teachers and students created their own unique style of music with instruments made by waste materials.Students create a universal music by playing Latin rhythms with stovepipes in the janissary band. They create strains of African music by using siphon pipes. Students get to know other countries with their music. They both protect the nature and learn by living the cultural elements via the instruments they made. The janissary band in which there are students from every age group in our school has taken the attention of a lot of students and public. The awareness of the janissary band has been expanding to a wide audience. INSTRUMENTS Horn: It is a musical instrument which is used in a lot of places of Turkey. It is made of wooden, metal and reed. It has a high voice that’s why it is used with drum. It is suitable to use in open air. It is a wind instrument. Cevgen: It consists of 8-10 bells lined up to a crescent around a stick which is a meter long. It is used to keep rhythm. Cevgen is a musical instrument used by readers in the janissary band. Cevgen wasn’t used in the janissary band in the Ottoman period; it was used as a means of announcement for messengers in the guild of janissaries. Cevgen used in the janissary band in mehter gravure which was taken place in the album of Arif-i Pasha in 19th century. It took part in the invitation of the head of the janissary band and in prays rather that the reader. Cevgen readers were used in the janissary band actively accompanied by words to the marches. Cevgen hang on the door in the guild of janissaries was used as a sign not to enter the room and an important decision was made during a meeting. Kettledrum: It is a musical instrument played with two wooden mallets and made of leather stretched over a large copper bowl. The kettledrums made in different sizes are named as horse kettledrum, camel kettledrum and elephant kettledrum. They are the most important musical instruments of the wars. It is known that the Ottoman army went to Mohac and Caldıran wars with 500 kettledrums. A small kettledrum: It is formed by two copper bowls which are stretced leather over. Previously it was played sitting cross-legged on the floor and tied around the waist on the march. Today, however, it is played leaning against the chest. It fills the tempo breaks of the main tempo. It adds vitality to the melody. It represents the clip clop of the horses in the janissary band. It is played with two small bagets called Zahm. Stick Cymbals: It was made from iron parts, parts of desk and stand of electrical stove. Cymbalist: It is the name of cymball players. Marakas: It is a kind of percussion instrument which creates volume by crashing to each other of the small hard particles placed into the gap in it due to effect of swinging. There are different kinds made of wood, bamboo and plastics. Generally it is used in Africa and Latin America music. Clarionetist: It is said to the people who play horn. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL VALUES İSTANBUL İstanbul is very important place in the world.The city is spread over an area of 7.500 km2 150 km long and 50 km wide.Istanbul became the biggest and the most crowded city of Europe.Because, ıts location between Asia and Europe, the city always had a great geopolitical importance.the city population is estimate 12 to15 millions. Around 2 millions tourists visit İstanbul every year.They are see the historical and natural beauties of the city. The city has a lots of historical mosque,church and museums of Turkey. THE ÇAMLICA HILL Çamlıca hill is the higgest hill in İstanbul.It is 263 m. high from the sea level.It was used as a picnic area.In the 1980 is the Touring Automobile Association built a series of restaurant,a Turkish cafe and a park THE TAKSIM SQUARE The large square at the end of the Istıklal street is the Taksim square, which is one of the most active centers of İstanbul.The square is the most important for Istanbul.There are a lot of different counturies people.There are a lot of big department store this place is really beatiful. BOSPHORUS BRİDGE OR THE ATATÜRK BRIDGE The project preparations were started in1950.The bridge building started in 1970.It was completed on 29 October 1973. It was built by German and England engineers. Thirty five engineers and four hundred Turkish workers were employed during the construstion.Its cost was $25 millions.The height of the bridge from sea is 64 m. The Atatürk Bridge carries 200.000 vehicles and 600.000 people a day. THE FATİH SULTAN MEHMET BRIDGE The Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge was built between 1985 and 1988 the opening date was at the save time the 535th anniversary of the Otoman conquest of the city. THE SÜLEYMANIYE MOSQUE It was built by Architect Sinan, the most famous architect at Ottoman history between 1550-1557 Süleymaniye Mosque, according to the construction reports of those days,5.723 workers (of these 1.713 are Moslems, 3.523 Christians ) completed the construction in 2.7 million working days.The cost of the mosque is $60 millions today. THE LEANDROS TOWER The leandros Tower covers on area of 1250 m2 and was built 200 metres from the Usküdar beach.It has got a intelligent history. One day a witch has got apples for the girl and gave her a poisana us apple, she did after eating it.That is why the tower is called the Leandros Tower THE GALATA TOWER This tower at the slopes of Galata is visible every where in the city, and is 61 m. tall.The tower is at the hill which over looks both to the Bospherus and the Golden Horn and the sea of Marmara. One day,an scientist named Hazerfen Ahmet Çelebi jumped down the tower and flew to the opposite side of the Bosphorus strait by using the wings which he had invented ( 17th century ) THE FORTRESS It was constructed with the order of Yıldırım Beyazıd in 1393, during one of the sicges of İstanbul.It is opposite to the Rumeli Hisarı.In the previous period there was a Christian Church at the same place. Its original name was Güzelce Hisar. There are a lots of pashas villas.These are the Bahriyeli Sedat Bey Villa, the Zarif Mustafa Pahsa Villa, constructed in the 19 th century; the Yağcı Sefik Bey Villa, constructed in 1905 and the Hasan Pahsa Villa. THE DOLMABAHÇE PALACE MUSEUM The Dolmabahçe Palace Museum was built between 1611-1614.It ıs that 14 tens of gold and 40 tons of silver were used for the decoration of the palace.The furniture was bought from Paris, the vases from Hereke and Lyan , the crytal materials from Bccarant and the the can dlesticks from England with special order.Almost all of 131 large and 99smal hand-made carpets are silk carpets, and they were woven in the royal workshops in Hereke.The total area covered by the carpets is 4.500 square meters.The total area at the palace is 250.000 square meters There are 12 gates.There are 285 rooms, 43 holls, 6 balconies, 6 hamams and 1427 windows.In the deconation, 156 clocks, 280 vases and 58 candle sticks.By the way, the carpet of 124 m2 is the second largest hand-made Hereke carpet in Turkey.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 20:50:57 +0000

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