We are not to be deterred or be put to shame by misplacing the - TopicsExpress


We are not to be deterred or be put to shame by misplacing the blame. We all know that the organisation is at this position and situation because Lizwi has it so much in him that he is the most popular, the only person eligible to be the chairman and will not let go off the pride but rather show true colors of power munging, the organisation was fine up until he was elected in a congress that had BOUNCERS and people who had the right to contest and rightfully ecxercise their membership rights were deprived, because it gave him power he never saw the unjust act as wrong. We allowed unity after that because we had thought he had good intentions but to our dismay, less did we know that that was the beginning of the gasping to die of the branch. He made sure that he delays the AGM so much because he wanted to rein for long enough to get into governance, today he is saying he has sacrificed SRC where we know he even cried like a baby because he was told by members to put his hands off power positions. Now that we are serious about having serious branch leadership and progress, he disrupts every AGM ngezinja zakhe i gues he cant afford bouncers this time, to attack REC members who are to facilitate the election process, showing he has no interest in the future progression of this branch. He gave his dogs a bone called....Lizwi or nothing mchana. We are are sick and tired, we are going to elect today, if they think they will bully us just because we are at Fort Hare, he is wrong, the City Hall is a place that accommodates all EL residents and today we will practice that right. Those who are conscious enough will come and we will discuss and we will move on to elect a vibrant, progressive, filled with ideas and urge to lead us to ECONOMIC FREEDOM IN OUR LIFE TIME. There is a difference between politics and barbarianism. Its a pity some so called politicians do not know the difference. There is a difference between discipline and being naive and that only real politicians know. We may be quiet and watch you expose your barbaric tendencies, its because we are disciplined but i must warn you boy, we are not naive. To point this out, that this branch will not detoriate in our hands, we will fight with all we have, we are prepared and we are ready, we will not rest. Kudala sithule , sibukele, now we r taking our ANCYL UFH EL back to us. A member of the ANCYL UFH EL in good standing. S. Marogo
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:36:37 +0000

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