We are now accepting RSVPs for the Cheryl Geisler talk on - TopicsExpress


We are now accepting RSVPs for the Cheryl Geisler talk on September 2nd. https://docs.google/a/umn.edu/forms/d/1pQ3o1hRX-lkRo8b4azLFc9MPpPQ19MSIUHysJkmoCco/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link Writing Studies welcomes Cheryl Geisler to the department for a talk and lunch, September 2nd from 11:30am - 1pm in Nolte 235. Mark your calendars! We will send out a request for RSVPs in August. Scholars in rhetoric and writing seeking to analyze texts, talk, or other verbal data find a number of approaches described in the literature — rhetorical analysis, content analysis, qualitative analysis —but little guidance on the differences between them. In this talk, Geisler will provide an comparison of the various approaches to analyzing verbal data, focusing on the issues and choices researchers make in deciding what approach to take. Cheryl Geisler is Professor of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University where she served as the inaugural Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology. She has written extensively on the nature of texts, especially those mediated by new technologies. A recognized expert on verbal data coding, she is the author of Analyzing Steams of Language (2004) and conducts an annual international workshop on verbal data analysis at Dartmouth College. She has received awards for her work from Computers and Composition, the Rhetoric Society of America, and the National Communication Association.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 18:21:02 +0000

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