We are now witnessing the rise of a hybrid multinational corporate - TopicsExpress


We are now witnessing the rise of a hybrid multinational corporate fascism, as the Republican party protects corporatism and elitism over national interests and the interests of labor and the common man. Republican politicians are the ones in corporation’s pockets selling fear and disinformation, instead of truth and patriotism. The Republicans represent only the wealthy and corporate interests, but they sell the American Dream to others, while every action they take makes sure that the others will never get there. -------- Robert Reich: The vicious cycle has been the corporate-financial complex turning its wealth into political power that generates even more wealth, and therefore even more power. This week’s spectacle of Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan, the largest bank on Wall Street, and Citigroup, the next largest, joining forces with large corporations, the GOP leadership, and the Obama Administration, to push an Omnibus Spending Bill that allows more big money in politics and rolls back financial regulations, epitomizes this corruption. As the corporate-financial complex accumulates even more wealth and power, the vast majority of Americans are losing theirs. This ends in one of two ways: Fundamental reform that gets big money out of politics, resurrects Glass Steagall, and breaks up the big banks, or angry populist revolution. Which will it be, and when do we reach the tipping point?
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 17:00:18 +0000

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