We are part of the global EXPOSED Campaign against corruption. We - TopicsExpress


We are part of the global EXPOSED Campaign against corruption. We represent hundreds of millions of Christians in 150 nations taking a stand against greed, secret deals and abuse of public influence. We believe that any sustainable economic progress and stability should be based on righteousness and justice. And, we believe that corruption is an act of injustice against the poor. Open Letter to the G20, Nov 2014 Over 90 Christian leaders worldwide have signed onto the global Exposed Campaigns Open Letter against corruption, which Bishop Efraim (National Director of the Council of Philippine Evangelical Churches) presented to Parliamentary representative Senator Claire Moore at our mock tax haven event on Saturday. Since then, Senator Moore has sent the letter to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer Joe Hockey, Bill Shorten MP, Chris Bowen, Christine Milne, Clive Palmer, Nick Xenophon and other key members of Parliament. You can view the full letter and its signees at bit.ly/openlettertoG20.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 02:02:29 +0000

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