We are quickly becoming two Americas, one divided by class and not - TopicsExpress


We are quickly becoming two Americas, one divided by class and not political affliation. The past several years have been a great time to be rich with fortunes expanding at historic rates. During the same period the number of children living in homes struggling to put a roof over thier head and food on thier plates has expanded in even greater numbers. You want to talk about National Security, I contend that this widening gap is by fatrthe greatest threat to our collective security, certainly much greater than any threat from radicals abroad (many of whom are spawned by inequalities in thier home countries). Poverty breeds desperation. Inequality gives birth to hatred and mutinous behavior. Where you side on this issue in large part defines how you view your place in the world. Do you point fingers at those trying to keep thier head above waters and thier families fed. Do you lobby for further deregulation of checks and balances that at the very least give pause to the worlds billionaires before they expand thier empires on the backs of the laborers and the soil of the communities they drop trough in. Do you believe in corporate personhood and unlimited ability to finance political campaigns. Are you middle class or struggling to pay your bills yet fail to feel any sort of solidarity with the struggling masses around the world. Are you upper class or a member of the global elite and feel no responsibility or gratitude to the earth that gave you the natural resources for your fortune or the hands and sweat pro-offered that enabled thier extraction and deliverence to market. These are question I have to ask myself and I dont always like the answers. I could do more, I should do more. I will do more. I encourage you to ask, think, and do yourself.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 17:47:46 +0000

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