We are safely back home in Walterboro. I would have texted my - TopicsExpress


We are safely back home in Walterboro. I would have texted my family when we got in, but my phone died. Jess fixed it over the night and most of my photos have been restored. I was so afraid, I would lose them! We were very impressed with Greenville, Tennessee. We found the grave of President Andrew Johnson, the first President to be Impeached but not successfully! He went on to finish out Lincolns term. I will be posting some. We loved our visit at Tusculum College. We left there traveling to Staunton, VA to Beautiful Thornrose Cemetery. My Mothers great grandfather was one of Stonewall Jacksons men. He died in a hospital of Typhoid fever being buried in a mass grave. Other of his men were wounded to die later, or killed in battle, were also buried in mass graves. A very few had marked graves on the hilltop in the back of this beautiful cemetery! I could feel the presence of my beloved ancestor, Joshua Reeves Buckner! He is recorded as Joshua R. Backner, but our family Bible has it recorded correctly. From Staunton back to Lexington, we traveled to find my husbands hero, Robert E. Lee at the Chapel on the campus of Washington and Lee. He has a repose many mistake as his tomb in the Chapel, but is really an almost life size replica of this great man, lying down, sword at the ready on his left side, in his Confederate Uniform he wore with Honor. The white marble is beautiful and the craft and skill of the artist is great. The white blanket he is lying on is white leather and plyable! We went downstairs into the museum/ bookstore, the family crypt was visible as were the tombs and names of the family members buried there. His office and study were to the left side of the museum. I loved the old stove that warmed the room. Outside the door, as he waited for his owner so many times, was the grave of his beloved Traveler! For good luck, the visitor is encouraged to place a penny on the headstone. We traveled around VMI as we marveled at how large it was!! Finding the grave of Stonewall became a challenge! We did fine the cemetery and I saw him through the partially opened gates!! I wanted so badly to walk and take photos at my heros grave, but waiting in line to purchase gifts for Bobby and Jess, caused my back to lock up and down I went to sit on my walker. By the time, I had returned to the car, walking down the hills, Agony and tears stained my face. I could only sit and wait until Jess and Bobby took the walk to my heros grave. We left then to return home. I enjoyed the view of the mountains, the stones as they jutted out, the differences in the colors of the stones exposed to the sun. In the car, I thanked God for Stonewall Jackson and his faith in God, for his visits to his men in the hospitals and the funerals. I felt comfort the same comfort, I know my forefather felt before me, because of the faith of this Leader of Men.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:00:17 +0000

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