We are shocked to learn that the ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou - TopicsExpress


We are shocked to learn that the ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has taken in 15 current and former members of the proscribed Mungiki organization as her witnesses who will testify against President at his trial. What is even more shocking is that the 15 so called Mungiki witnesses have confessed that they were the ones who committed murder, rape and other serious atrocities in Naivasha and Nakuru during the post election violence. The 15 Mungiki witnesses are hardened Mungiki criminals; they engaged in murders, carjacking, extortion and serious robberies and run off to ICC to escape the Kenyan justice system. Now some 15 criminals confess to having committed PEV related crimes in Naivasha and Nakuru and prepare statements which they hand over to the ICC court adding that they committed those crimes at the instigation of President Kenyatta and they deserve not to be prosecuted for those crimes because they were only acting at the behest of President Kenyatta! If the 15 Mungiki members confessed to being responsible for the Naivasha and Nakuru violence, why would the prosecutor want to shield them from prosecution? If Mungiki is an outlawed group whose members are engaged in murders, extortion, carjacking and vehicle thefts, why would an international court give its members running away from justice asylum? And why would the ICC offer them immunity from crimes they committed on Kenyan soil yet those crimes are unrelated to PEV? After cheating the prosecutor that they are running away because the GOK would kill them for their role in PEV, the prosecutor has gone before the judges and demanded an assurance that the lies incriminating Uhuru Kenyatta they give to the court while hiding their faces, will not be used to incriminate them. We agree with the judges that the criminals should testify in an open court so that their lies can be exposed. We want them to face arrest for their crimes they committed in Kenya. There should be no immunity from prosecution of members of the Mungiki Why should murderers be given immunity after confessing yet they have not gone through a trial? The Kenyan government has every right to arrest and prosecute the criminals now hiding at the ICC. The ICC must cooperate by handing over the Mungiki murderers and carjackers to the Kenyan authorities. It may seem that the criminals after committing the PEV atrocities and other crimes run off into the desperate arms of the prosecutor and created a story. The Kenyan authorities have been looking for the culprits to face prosecution locally for non PEV related crimes. We demand that the Kenyan government issue an international arrest warrant for these self confessed criminals and that the ICC hand them over for trial in Kenya
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:34:54 +0000

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