We are so blind to everything in the world.... Blind to nation - TopicsExpress


We are so blind to everything in the world.... Blind to nation wide problems, war problem. Our world is so messed up..... We get ticketed for fishing without a license but I thought that this was the land of the free? Everything is to expensive and useless but we still feel the need to have it. When was the last person to died because they never got their new galaxy phone 5? But there are families, children, mothers, grandparents not able To go home every night to their own beds. Our priories are messed up... Why? Because are government is messed up. The land where nothing is actually yours. Where your rights are taking away and your self image is changed and your children arent taught right or wrong..... Where is our hope where is our freedoms we were promised? Why is everything thats not important in life controlling our lives? Where we do not strive to work together and grow the nation where we only care about ourselves..... Im sorry America we are all in this together when the government takes our guns and good and shelter it will only be us.... Just saying rant over thanks for reading
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:41:41 +0000

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