We are sorry to hear of the death of Sir Donald Sinden. Everyone - TopicsExpress


We are sorry to hear of the death of Sir Donald Sinden. Everyone knows of his amazing achievements on the stage and screen, but what is less known is that Sir Donald was passionate about churches. His love of the English parish church began when he was very young and would holiday with his grandfather. An architect, Alfred Sinden would load their bikes onto a train and take Sir Donald touring and sketching churches (he would have loved Ride + Stride!). Sir Donald retained this love throughout his life, becoming Vice President of the Romney Marsh Historic Churches Trust and writing The English Country Church (a fantastic book in which he explores the rich architectural heritage of country churches, using the illustrations that his grandfather drew on their days out visiting churches together). Sir Donald also held very strong views on many of the hottest controversial topics concerning churches. He strongly believed that churches need to embrace the modern era and become community spaces if they are to survive, and thought not only that naves should be cleared of pews, but indeed that they should be carpeted so you could even play short-mat bowls! He was also no fan of the Victorians, who he believed have a lot to answer for for inventing the village hall: prior to that, everything happened in church - all local events... Then the Victorians came along, and churches were left just for religious matters. An amazing man who shared the National Churches Trusts belief that the churches should be the centre of the community, and a very sad loss. p.s. To read a brilliant interview with Sir Donald by the Church Times, visit: churchtimes.co.uk/articles/2006/27-january/features/interview-donald-sinden,-actor-and-vice-president-of-the-romney-marsh-historic-churches-trust
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 08:18:19 +0000

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