We are sorry we too a break for a while! Todays Nakshatra in - TopicsExpress


We are sorry we too a break for a while! Todays Nakshatra in Los Angeles, CA It will be Uttara Bhadrapada till 3:20pm and it will change to Revati. Uttara Bhadrapada Pisces 3’20” to Pisces 16’40” Meaning: The Latter Lucky Feet Symbol: The Back Legs of a Funeral Cot Deity: Ahir Budhanya (The Serpent of the Depth) Ruling Planet of the Nakshatra: Saturn Ruling Planet of the Sign(s): Jupiter Who is Uttara Bhadrapada? A WISE AND COMPASSIONATE GUIDE Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada: March 17th to March 30th Approximately, Ascendant or Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada: Pisces 3’20” to Pisces 16’40” You are an old soul who is here to guide and nurture the lost. As the deity, Ahir Budhanya, the serpent of the depth conjures up the feeling of calmness like cool water, you are someone who everyone goes to for advice and peace of mind. You are very compassionate and giving, and are able to make whoever comes to you feel comfortable and taken care of. You are steady and reasonable, never rushed and abrupt: A very goal oriented person who strives to achieve things over time, taking it step by step, making mindful decisions. You are also a born hermit and while you can mingle with anybody, you protect your solitude. You have a very strong boundary as to what you accept and what you wouldn’t, and you sometimes act like a strict teacher. However, this is because you see good in everyone and the potential to be awakened to the higher realm of existence. You have a deep feeling of love and have an ability to forgive others’ mistakes and provide them with tools to make progress. The symbol for Uttara Bhadrapada is the back legs of a funeral cot, which suggest your natural inclination to the world beyond. You are a deep thinker and a spiritual soul, who has the discipline to rise above all the calamities of the world to find peace under any circumstances. You are like a mountain that would never be bothered by little insects. These are great manifestations of the ruler of the Nakshatra, Saturn, and the ruler of Pisces, Jupiter working together harmoniously. However, if out of balance, you can be cunning and cruel in achieving your own goals, and lazy and indulgent within your comfort zone. You can put restrictions on others and not on yourself, making yourself a hypocrite. You also have a strong passion and devotion, and if insulted, can become furious and aggressive. Remember, you are not the one to judge, you are the one to help. Be in a spirit of service, and let your wise insights benefit all beings! Famous People by James and Mikano Billy Graham, the famous American preacher and evangelist, has his Ascendant in Uttara Bhadrapada. He literally brought millions of people to a spiritual path. Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, had his Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada. He gave thousands of medical readings, and after 20 years, began adding past life readings to help people in a more complete and spiritual way. In the artistic field, we have famous directors who enriched the world with their deep insights: Quentin Tarantino, Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada, Robert Redford, Ascendant in Uttara Bhadrapada, and Akira Kurosawa, Sun in Uttra Bhadrapada. Quentin Tarantino has become quite a popular director based on his ability to observe and portray the randomness of the material world. Robert Redford created the Sundance film festival, as a way of bringing more original and inspirational movies to the world. Akira Kurosawa created epic award winning films with deep messages and moral lessons. In the acting field, we have William Shatner, Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada. William Shatner plays Captain Kirk on Star Trek, who was the science fiction version of Uttara Bhadrapada. Another performer, Mr. Rogers, Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada was a host of a children’s TV show. He brought kids to his neighborhood and created a safe environment for them to learn. We also have old and wise souls in the music field: Elton John, Eric Clapton, and Aretha Franklin, all Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada. Thier music and performances bring peace and inspiration to their audience. Finally we have Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, Sun in Uttara Bhadrapada and Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada. Sam Walton started very small in a little place in Arkansas, and with slow and steady progress, built Walmart into a multi-billion dollar corporation. Bill Gates has become one of the world’s largest philanthropists, literally donating billions of dollars to help those in need. Special Power: Varshodyamana shakti means the power to bring about rain. Uttara Bhadrapda people bring the rain of spiritual and material nourishment to others and the world. When the Moon is in Uttara Bhadrapada: Uttara Bhadrapada is symbolized by the back legs of a funeral cot, signifying rest and the spiritual quality of this asterism. Its deity is Ahir Budhanya, the wise and compassionate serpent that resides in the depth of the waters. This Nakshatra is excellent for all types of positive and peaceful activities. Things begun now will progress steadily and will have good results in the future; start a spiritual practice such as meditation and chanting; look into something that will help your career or life in general; start taking care of your health by taking medicine or by beginning a yoga asana practice; get married etc. Uttara Bhadrapada is ruled by Saturn and it lies within Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. It is a great time for making promises or taking vows: sign important contracts; set dates for important events; profess your love or propose marriage; hold or plan wedding. It is also a great time for all things related to land or buildings: Look for a house; Make an offer on a property: open or close escrow; begin construction; plant seeds in your garden etc. It is not a very good day to travel, or exhaust or stress yourself by acting hastily. Take everything slow; positive intentions plus steady progress equals great results! Historical Trivia: On May 7th in Reims, France, German Armed Forces High Command, General Alfred Jodl signed the unconditional surrender documents with the Ascendant in Uttara Bhadrapada. It included orders for all German troops to cease hostilities by 11:01pm on May 8th, with the Moon in Uttara Bhadrapada, which later became known as V-E day. It was a great time to sign a contract to keep peace that would endure in the future. Footnote by James: Throughout Vedic Literature, and practically all ancient cultures, mystical serpents have been described. One such snake is the Kaliya Serpent, who was polluting the Yamuna River with his poison. After Krishna banished him, legend has that he took up residence in Fiji where the native people acknowledge this mystical snake. Srila Prabhupada, upon hearing the native legend, had the devotees install the deity of Krishna Kaliya, Krishna dancing on the heads of the Kaliya Serpent. In Japanese culture, serpents are considered to be the presiding deities of all the ancient rivers. They see them as wise and compassionate, but strict and furious when offended, very much like the characteristics of this Nakshatra, ruled by Saturn in Jupiter’s sign. Revati Pisces 16’40” to Pisces 30’00” Meaning: Wealthy Symbol: A Fish Swimming in the Water/ A Drum Deity: Pushan (Solar God of Nourishment) Ruling Planet of the Nakshatra: Mercury Ruling Planet of the Sign(s): Jupiter Who is Revati? A FREE SPIRITED LOVE CHILD Sun in Revati: March 31st to April 13th Approximately Ascendant or Moon in Revati: Pisces 16’40” to Pisces 30’00” You are a dreamer and a mediator to the world beyond. You naturally feel connected with the Divine and you have an absolute faith in the universal will. Like the symbol, a fish swimming in the water, you are a carefree soul, floating in the ocean of universal consciousness. Just like an uncorrupted child, you are always full of wonder and optimism, non-judgmental, and fun loving. At the same time, you are sensible, sophisticated and able to keep distance from the mundane problems of life. The presiding deity, Pushan, provides nourishment to those on the path. You feel content and nourished, which comes from your innate belief in love. You are also sociable and sincere when interacting with others; a very sympathetic and empathetic person who would stay up late to listen to a friend. You naturally keep a nice group of people around you whom you give to and receive from. Therefore, you are able to gather people to accomplish a big goal. You are always light on your feet and have a very clear idea of where you are going. You know the journey doesn’t have to always be a struggle; living in the moment is the most important thing. The translation, “Wealthy” combines both material and spiritual wealth. You have an unbounded creativity and you exude a sense of abundance. You are attractive and magnetic, because you know how to engage and cast your “imagery” on everyone. Just like the image conveyed by “The World” in a tarot deck, you embody the culmination of the material world and the door to the spiritual world. Revati is ruled by Mercury and lies in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. Even though this gives you all the great qualities mentioned above, you should be careful not to be a crowd pleaser and destroy your true self. You go out of your way to make people happy and often get exhausted or hurt by others. Also, you could be very ungrounded and unrealistic in your pursuits and have a weakness to indulge yourself in pleasure. Remember you are here to go beyond the world of illusions, not to be stuck or be affected by it. Trust yourself and paint your most beautiful divine dream! Famous People by James and Mikano: Dwight D Eisenhower had his Ascendant in Revati, and his administration brought unprecedented wealth for the middle class. He is famous as the general who united the Allied Forces and finished World War II with victory for the allies. He is also famous, as he finished his second term, for warning the public to be very careful of the military/industrial complex. Mikhail Gorbachev, Ascendant in Revati, dismantled the iron curtain, gave freedom to all the citizens of the Soviet Union, and nurtured its transformation into independent countries. In the entertainment field, we have two famous actors, Gary Oldman and Kiefer Sutherland, both Moon in Revati. They captured people’s imaginations by embodying the lives of many souls. This Nakshatra’s ability to produce people pleasers shows an abundance of comedians: David Letterman, Eddie Murphy, Marilu Henner, and Jackie Chan, all Sun in Revati. David Letterman, host of the “Late Show”, always listens sympathetically to his guests while millions watch. Eddie Murphy plays light hearted and wise cracking characters. He is also known for nurturing other black comedians. Marilu Henner used her popularity to promote healthy life styles. Jackie Chan, even though he is a martial artist, has created characters that are soft hearted and funny. Revati lies in Pisces, the natural 12th house, which rules not only spirituality but also pleasures of the bed. Hugh Heffner, Sun in Revati, publisher of Playboy magazine, is a great example of the indulgence and sophistication attributed to this Nakshatra. The classic composer, Johann Sebastian Bach, had both his Sun and Moon in Revati. He created religious and celestial music that we even enjoy centuries later. Finally John Lennon, Ascendant in Revati, created spiritual and uplifting music nourishing to the modern soul. He also had problems with substance abuse like many under the influence of this Nakshatra. However, he was definitely a “Free Spirited Love Child”. Special Power Kshiradyapani shakti means the power to nourish like milk. Revati people are expert at nourishing and inspiring everyone with their genuine heart. When the Moon is in Revati: Revati is symbolized by a fish, which swims freely in the vast ocean. Its presiding deity is Pushan, a solar god who sheds light on the path and nurtures those on it. All positive activities of a spiritual nature started now will flourish in the future: start reading ancient scripture; go on a trip; start a yoga studio, healing or spiritual center; file the paperwork for a non-profit organization; hold a ground breaking ceremony for a church or a temple. Any kind of spiritual, religious or charitable activities are supported now. Also, as Pushan nourishes all who are on a journey, it is a good time to take a break, relax, have fun and hang out with your friends, your lover or your family. Another symbol for this Nakshatra is a drum, so any artistic exploration such as music, drama or writing will also be fruitful. Revati is ruled by Mercury and it lies within Pisces, ruled by Jupiter. This is the time to expand your wealth: have a business meeting at work; work to improve finances or invest in something; buy new jewelry or wear jewelry for the first time; buy a new car; buy a new house. It is an excellent time for marriage. This is the last of all the Nakshatras, so it is very auspicious for all completions. It also means it is not good to start things during the last part of this Nakshatra. Nurture your spirit, feel the love and manifest positivity in the world! Historical Trivia: The United Nations was formed on October 24th, 1945 in Washington DC with the Ascendant in Revati. As their flag, the world with laurel leaves suggests, it is formed to achieve the unity and peace among all countries. An example of their success is UNICEF, which has saved more lives of children than any other humanitarian organizations in the world. Footnote by James Revati, is also the name of the wife of Lord Balarama, who is Lord Krishna’s elder brother. He performs childhood pastimes with Lord Krishna in the enchanted forest of Vrndavan, and later also resides in Dwaraka as a king and a kshatriya. In spiritual life, he gives us the necessary spiritual strength for success, representing the Guru.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:58:48 +0000

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