We are still looking for a good Bible believing church. One of the - TopicsExpress


We are still looking for a good Bible believing church. One of the things that we are looking for are people that genuinely care about other people. It isnt the most important thing, but it is still important to us. If we are attending somewhere and miss a service or two, then something is probably wrong. I personally think someone should reach out and say hey, we missed you, nothing fancy or sending out the calvary. I think a Shepherd should care for his flock. My former preacher called me one time because we had missed only one service, but after he found out why we missed his words were I was only checking on you, not to pry, but to say we all love you and miss you. Its easy to stop going altogether by just missing one Sunday. He didnt ask why we missed, but I felt the need to tell him why. This was an act of genuine concern and love for the church. I know all pastors are different, but that one sentence has stuck with me for 12 years. It has been what keeps me from missing church without a legitimate reason. I say all this, not to cause conflict in beliefs or cause hateful comments because someone took it wrong or thought it was about a particular group, but to ask for specific prayer while were searching. What we are looking for in a church isnt necessarily important to anyone but us. We know that every church isnt perfect, but we know that there are people who live out their beliefs and we want to be a part of that kind of church! Feel free to list the church you attend, but please keep negativity between you and God.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:28:27 +0000

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