We are told Africa is a land of many tribes, I say yes we are a - TopicsExpress


We are told Africa is a land of many tribes, I say yes we are a land of many tribes but we are all united by bloodline. We are told Africa is a land of many nations, I say yes Africa has nations, but all of our nations are peopled by Africans, surely our African lineage and bloodline is superior to our nationality. We are more than a tribe or a nation, WE ARE A BLOODLINE. All nations that use their army to oppress mutilate and murder members of our sacred bloodline will fall. No nation has the right to kill a AFRICAN. We condemn all nations that trespass against our bloodline and will not accept or allow such in the future. We will cast all of these European conceived nations into the trash and begin again with only a RACE FIRST IDEOLOGY and all Africas wealth shall be enjoyed by all our kinsmen, there shall be no more borders, no more politics, and no man nor woman that willfully murders our kinsmen shall live, we promise Africa shall have peace even if it comes at the cost of a war. Protecting the bloodline is our SACRED LAW, nothing and no one shall escape punishment for breaking this law, among all Africans this shall be the highest treason. It is well known to us in the diaspora that the europeans intend to rob Africa of its resources, and even depopulate Africa through genocide by various means. The Europeans have invested their stolen fortunes heavily into arms and militarization to further their goal of assaulting Africa and have recruited millions of Africans to assist them. What roll does the Africans in the Americas play in this scenario? What if anything can or will the Africans in the Americas do to prevent such attacks against our kin in our motherland? We in the Americas know well what the europeans intend, and we know our family on the continent have not figured out the truth about the europeans intentions. We Africans in the Americas know well the european is a crafty serpent laying in wait to take advantage of our kin, therefore it is our responsibility to inform and arm our kin with the latest military arms to prevent the europeans plot. We must all accept responsibility for each others welfare. Whatever I do not know should not harm me, for if i am truly a Pan-Africanist, I am part of a brotherhood of tribes, a worldwide family of Africans, therefore my brother should inform me of any hidden dangers and assist in my survival. No plot against me can succeed if my brothers and I are united. Divide and concur only works on those whom allow themselves to be divided. All will now swear a oath punishable by death to DEFEND AFRICA AND AFRICANS, AND ONLY AFRICA AND AFRICANS, everything else is meaningless chatter. Dont be fooled by idle chatter, if you think every black person is for Black Nationalism your living in a dream, that is not reality, we are surrounded by negroes who want nothing more than to be integrated into whitey world, and every one of them negro apologist want nothing to do with Black Nationalism. The moment you mention the words BLACK and NATIONALISM in the same sentence them unrepentant negroes whom have already sold themselves for thirteen pieces of silver and a pocket full of medals from whitey are always prepared to protect massa just like they have been doing for 500 years. Those whom join with the whites will always be a tool for oppressing Africans. Our ancestors, trapped in the bottom of a cargo ship, abused, tortured, molested, rapped, and abused toiled hard in this foreign land so you that our bloodline will survive. And we have survived, and now we see there is something beyond the horizon, a future we can only build if we unite the bloodline. We have awakened to find our people are scattered all over the earth, but we survive, we swear a oath to Africa and Africans and join in the struggle against european imperialism, RACE FIRST is our mooto, RACE FIRST is our policy, RACE FISRT is our LAW. Now we will lay the foundation for the coming African world empire, but first we must each say within our soul : YES, I AM MY BROTHERS KEEPER. —
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:10:43 +0000

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