We are told that there is no inflation while prices for most - TopicsExpress


We are told that there is no inflation while prices for most things I buy have doubled, in some cases in under four years....I can no longer afford to live where I used to live...home prices doubled since the turn of the century, transportation costs have gone through the roof, I can remember when gasoline was two dollars a gallon, now it is nearly four dollars! The car I paid in the late 80s 14,000 dollars for is now double that. The trouble is that salaries have not kept pace. Who can live on the minimum wage today which would have to double to get you and your family out of Poverty..... On average, Id say that gasoline is going up by more than 10% a year, and thats a very casual estimate. i would say in some years, it has jumped 25% or more....even though today the cost of fuel is down around 100 dollar a barrel--telling us that once prices go up, you can forget them going down again. The stores tell us it is the cost of petrol and transportation is responsible for the jump in prices. Others explain to us that it was the drought and the cost of feed. Whatever it is, nobody seems to be doing anything about it. In Roosevelts time, the government set up commissions to protect the consumer about unfair pricing--or milking the public. Today, the government does not nothing to protect the consumers few rights. You dont hear the government talking about a Buy America policy or setting up funding for Main Street to help small business.... Is that why the price of milk and bread have doubled? Best of all, we are told that theres no inflation. So, not only does the government do nothing to help, it lies to us in such a blatant way that I dont see how anyone can trust this government to tell the truth on anything. For those of us dependent on COLAs, the adjustment this year was 1 1/2%. And that is supposed to allow for inflation? If our government finds it necessary to lie to the public when it cuts fuel and food out of the Inflation Index and targets our Social Security while trying to privatize everything in sight, it is clear that care, humanism, and concern for those worse off by the haves is no longer operative, and, increasingly, we must re-think our survival tactics...for if there is no support from our own government, where does the answer lie?
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 12:52:57 +0000

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