We are well beyond the time where we should do what is necessary - TopicsExpress


We are well beyond the time where we should do what is necessary to SHOW the world that WE ARE AMERICANS. In this present time of our short history we long for the leadership that would carry on and once again raise the spirit of the people of this nation. Citizenry who appear to have lost the vision of what America was to the world for more than two centuries. We have endured our share of trials and tribulations, sacrifice and suffering, as well as greatness and glory. These are what makes the fabric of a people who have come from every corner of this globe for more than 500 years to forge a new nation. A country, ruled by its citizens and governed by those selected of her people, benign to the desire of building an empire, but chooses not bend nor bow to those of such a notion. Our Constitution demands that those chosen of and by the people to govern this nation serve for the greater good of this nation and her citizens... American citizens. Of late we have far too many in this government who have broken that trust and have failed to honor their pledge to uphold the mandates of their office. They have failed to recognize and serve in accordance with the limits of their authority clearly defined in our Constitution. They fail to enforce the laws of this land as was intended by those who first sacrificed to secure liberties for themselves and their posterity, to secure FREEDOM from tyranny and subjugation. Today too many Americans have been mesmerized by affable rhetoric, sweet spoken empty promises of hope, that have been proven beyond ANY reasonable doubt to be false. With the help of a corrupted media selling lies and deceit, we have been led along a garden path that yields no fruit. Too many are lost in a delusional euphoria. They exist in an unwarranted feeling of well-being or elation that is groundless, disproportionate to its cause, and totally inappropriate to the reality of their lives. They are blind to most all that happens around them... wake up America... PLEASE, wake up!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:08:51 +0000

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