We are working hard to grow and improve the OMTD line of products, - TopicsExpress


We are working hard to grow and improve the OMTD line of products, please feel free to givu us ideas of hooks and jig heads that might suit your needs, were interested, were interested... ;-) Stiamo lavorando per far crescere e migliorare la linea di prodotti OMTD, se avete idee su ami o testine piombate che crediate possano funzionare fatecelo sapere, ci interessa, ci interessa ... ;-) Estamos trabajando duro para hacer crecer y mejorar la línea de productos OMTD, si tenéis ideas sobre anzuelos o cabezas plomadas que puedan funcionar decidnos, estamos interesados, estamos interesados... ;-) WEB PAGE: omtdhooks/
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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