We are writing this post to reach out to family and friends of - TopicsExpress


We are writing this post to reach out to family and friends of ours at this time. As all of you know, our beautiful daughter Emilyn was born on December 29th, by emergency c-section because of unexpected decelerations in her heart rate and there being pressure on the umbilical cord. When she was born, it was determined that she needed to be rushed to Fletcher Allen due to extremely low blood count and platelets. While waiting to be transferred, Emilyn suffered from two seizures due to these concerns. I was discharged from CVPH this afternoon so I could join Steven by her side in VT, and finally get to meet our baby girl. After finally seeing her and speaking with her doctor, Emilyns condition became much more detailed and realistic. According to the tests results, and doctors we have spoken with, Emilyn suffered from a maternal fetal hemorrhage while in my belly. This means that her blood was pooling into mine leading her to have dangerously low blood levels when delivered. She is still experiencing multiple seizures in result to this and the damages from these are currently unknown. The plan is to put her on a 72-hour hypothermic treatment, in which Thursday they will start then warming process to further assess her progress. On a good side, our baby girl has been breathing on her own since birth, and has positive reactions as well, like not liking being kept cool and sucking on her pacifier. It has been told to us many times today, that we saved her life by choosing to go into the hospital when we did. We are reaching out to everyone we can for prayers for our baby girl. She is so very strong, and we are confident that if we all pray for her strength during this time, they will be answered. We love you Emilyn Grace Stroup, stay strong baby girl.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:43:54 +0000

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