We as Americans are rightfully glad that our fellow citizen, Alan - TopicsExpress


We as Americans are rightfully glad that our fellow citizen, Alan Gross, has been released by Cuban authorities and has now returned home. This is great news for Mr. Gross and his family, given his unjust five-year imprisonment. However, like many Americans, I question not only the President’s decision to release the Cuban agents in our custody, but also his decision to normalize relations with the Cuban regime at this time. Make no mistake – the people of Cuba are not free nor has there been any softening by the Castro brothers on human rights issues. Cuban citizens still live with the haunting fear of unjust imprisonment based on the political views they might hold or espouse. Any attempt to normalize relations with the Cuban regime must be conditioned upon real humanitarian, political and social reform for the betterment of the Cuban people. It’s clear the Administration has received no such commitment from the Castro regime. The President’s action will have repercussions and Members of Congress will be heard on this issue. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I anticipate that there will be an amendment offered to prohibit taxpayer dollars from being spent on the construction or acquisition of any sort of embassy facility in Cuba. If offered, that amendment will have my support. #Cuba #Castro #Normalization #AlanGross
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:41:49 +0000

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