We, as Americans better grow a spine. Our Way of life is on the - TopicsExpress


We, as Americans better grow a spine. Our Way of life is on the chopping block each and every day! As a person that grew up in the 80s, We fought against the narrow minded issues that were imposed on us that lasted more than 40 plus years. I will say that Our parents believed in values that were right!!! I am completely disgusted in what so many Americans consider normal anymore. Race is more of a issue these days than it has been in 50 years!!! WTH??? I am many things, but I have many friends that are African American, I have never disrespected you ever!!!!! Race is a Issue each and every day these days!!! Why? Let me back up here, I am a Christian. I never hide that fact! I believe what I believe, Christianity is about Peace, Love, Being kind to one another, and treating all of creation with respect. Is that a bad thing??? I also believe in you choosing to be what ever you want without prosecution from anyone. Please, People look at what is being taught in our schools, Look at what has become the normal in society!!! My God, they want us to be a bunch of spineless sissies!, They want us to be afraid to speak up for what each of us want for our families!!!! I am trying to write this without anger, But I am Pissed off! I am sure that I am going to offend someone!!! But I COULD GIVE A SHIT LESS!!!!!!! Stop Trying to make us all think your way. Freedom has come at a price! And I can show you a small fraction of that price in Pictures from WW2 form a Marines perspective. What happened to Honor Dignity, and Respect in the United States of America? If you do not like what I have to say, Push the button. I dont care who you are. I do not worry about you at all. My Social status does not worry me ever. As Long as I have my family, I am Happy!!!! I love my friends and wish you all well beyond belief. I am also so tired of our lives being dictated and being manipulated by a Money driven bunch of crooks in Washington D.C. If you are fine, or OK, with things as they are than you are a IDIOT!!!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:13:46 +0000

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