We bloggers? We can be whores for attention, but Ive said it - TopicsExpress


We bloggers? We can be whores for attention, but Ive said it before and Ill say it again, dont give it away for FREE. It hurts us all. Todays RANT: It’s **** from ***! Can you believe today is already the the first day of Hanukkah, and Christmas is next week?! I know its a super busy time of year; I dont mean to pester, just wanted to make sure my email got through to you, and bump it up the never-ending Christmas pile. Again, I wanted to introduce myself and discuss the possibility of you using some (or all) of the content in our *** guide on your site as a holiday **** resource! We’d welcome the exposure to your readers, and I’m sure they would welcome the information! My response: Hi ****, I only host content that is sponsored for brands. Blogging is a business for me. Do you have a budget? Let me know and we can chat more. Response back: Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! At this time we don’t have an advertising budget for our content. *** is a new project and we are currently working on gaining exposure and creating relationships with prominent bloggers and blogs! We can however, offer unique versions of current articles, accompanied with our house-made illustrations. If you are interested, I would love to discuss the next step! I look forward to chatting with you soon, ***, I will pass. I have worked too long and hard at this to give away my influence for free unless its for charity or friends. Mortgages to pay and kids to feed and all that. :) Good luck with your business and keep me in mind once you do have a budget in place. So moral of the story, I BET shed welcome the exposure to my readers and OF COURSE she would like to create relationships with prominent bloggers and blogs...without a budget. Ooooh Ill get paid with house-made illustrations?! At least she didnt offer to pay me in exposure like others pitch...only because she had no exposure to offer. Id also like a Mercedes if we are in fantasyland. Pro-tip to brands&businesses: You dont work for free, so dont expect blogger/influencers to work for free. When the day comes that my bank will take house-made illustration as payment for my mortgage, then well chat. Happy Holidays, yall!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:50:11 +0000

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