‘We brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing - TopicsExpress


‘We brought nothing into the world, so that we can take nothing out of it’ (1 Tim 6:7) Today’s first reading deplores the lure of riches. There is nothing wrong with wanting the good things in life. But sometimes even the best things and happiest occasions are used just to show off. For instance, Goan Catholics celebrate each and every function in the family elaborately. Some years ago, a few days before a wedding, there used to be a meal called bhikareanchem jevonn (Beggar’s meal) where poor people were invited. Nowadays it has become a grand feast for family and friends where perhaps only a small number are really poor. Such ills have become common in society. Some wealthy people like to flaunt their riches. Then the middleclass try to copy the rich, perhaps even taking on large debts. Is such wastage really required? Where will it all ends? To waste money we need to have it in the first place. Thus the greed for money increases and ‘the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil’. In contrast, the woman mentioned in today’s Gospel provided for Jesus and his disciples ‘out of their resources’. They knew how to use money wisely. Today’s first reading also advises us to ‘pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness’. These are true riches. FRUIT: Let us ask the Lord to save us from being distracted by worldly pleasures and serve him wholeheartedly.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 03:31:50 +0000

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