We can experience the fathers and empowerment to live the life we - TopicsExpress


We can experience the fathers and empowerment to live the life we were created to live. Romans 8:16 the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God Jesus teachings on the father and the example of his own relationship to God as the Son, we can see examples of the fatherhood of God throughout the Bible. The Bible tells us how God relates to us as father and how he wants us to respond to him as his children. The father as source... In Genesis we learn that God is the originator of all mankind Exodus 4:22 Israel is my son even my first born The father as Deliverer... Phase of Israel why God is always present. In Exodus, He hears the cries for help When they are in captivity as Egyptian slaves. As a caring father he sent Moses to lead them to freedom. While they are physically free, they are still captive in their hearts. They havent grasped their true identity as Gods children or the relationship that God desires to have with them. they havent given their heavenly Father the honor and love that he deserves as a loving disciplinarian, God chastises them yet Ultimately, blesses them as his people. The Father as Teacher... In Leviticus God gives the children of Israel rules of conduct to instruct them in a way of holiness. Can teachers the moral ethical and religious behavior but also shows them how to have a relationship with him through sacrifice and worship. The Father as Shepherd... In numbers, we see that the father stays with his people even in the disobedience and lack of faith, I am to stain them for 40 years of wandering in the desert of Sinai. This wilderness experience becomes gods tutorial for them a bridge from bondage to blessing. The father tends his flock as he guides them through the wilderness. The father as Promised Keeper... In Deuteronomy we again find a description of the Israelites disobedient and lack of faith, as well as Gods instructions on how they are to live and serve Him. God wants his children (ourselves included) to understand his intentions. We must learn how to trust God and fight in the spirit in order to reach the place that he has promise. In Romans 4:22 we must be fully persuaded that what He has promised he is able also to perform. The father as Defender... In the book of Joshua Israelites finally enter into the Promised Land God the Father teachers tham a new lesson of his love and power In an effort to equip them for the next phase of their journey. Obedience and Praise. Although the Israelites are equipped for further success they forfeit it because they are again unfaithful and turn away from their God. The father as Loving Disciplinarian... In judges we see that a loving fathers mercy always exceeds his disappointment. He prunes the vine cutting it back but leaving enough to bear fruit again. The father as kinsman Redeemer... The Book of Ruth shows There is deliverance for those who will cling to God as Father despite the hardships and temptations of the world. Ruth the Moabitess Speaks beautiful words of Commitment when she tells her mother-in-law Naomi after the deaths of their husbands. Ruth 1:16 Entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee, for whither thou goest, I will go and where thou Lodgest I will lodge by people shall be my people and thy God my God. The father prepare to harvest field and the Kingsmen Redeemer, Boaz, to bless the faithfulness of one who so easily could have returned to a people who did not acknowledge him. Boaz Tell Ruth, Ruth 2:12 A fall reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings though art come to trust. The father as faithful One... Through 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings 1st and 2nd Chronicles God shows his love in patients with an imperfect people whose continual wrong choices never discourage his Faithfulness to them . Gods desire is to reveal His glory to the world. The father as Restore... A disappointing father allows The Israelites to be taken into captivity by the Babylonians following the disobedience and rebellion against Him. Yet in Ezra and Nehemiah he gently restores a remnant of his people to their land and defeats those who opposed to their plans to rebuild the walls and Temple of Jerusalem. He also reminds them of His law so that they will learn to love and follow Him. The father as Grace Giver... In Esther, God again shows His loveingkindness and power to deliver the Israelites when they face adverse conditions in there distress, His people humble themselves in prayer and fasting ,they receive Gods grace and defeat their enemies in demonstration of the fathers faithfulness to his people. In Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of Solomon God confirm that he is the Lord of all, He is aware of all victory and defeats, yet he welcomes his people into his presence. He provide safety Im going to shadow of his wings, his word provides wisdom, and the father sings a prophetic love song to His people a message about the unity of Christ and the church. The father as Sovereign Lord... The books of the major prophets Isaiah Jeremiah lamentations Ezekiel Danielle Speak as a father who saves, appoints, strengthens and warns, through the words of His profits he gives us a glimpse of the future while keeping us focus on our present need to maintain a relationship with Him. The Father as Sustainer... The assembles of minor prophets Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zachariah Malachi Confirms Gods saving power. We say that he is a faithful and loving Heavenly Father, Who sustains and blesses his children. We also encounter an amazing truth ,God Himself must visit the earth in order to fully Redeemed mankind from rebellion and sin.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 00:51:24 +0000

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