We can not jump to conclusions about these so called terrorist - TopicsExpress


We can not jump to conclusions about these so called terrorist attacks in France! Yes Muslim extremists could have perpetrated this attack but it could also have been a False Flag attack - we need more information, period -- at this late date we must all be ultra suspicious about these big terrorist events! We have to ask our selves who is profiting from this attack? Almost always the military-industrial-complex gets a big bump with these big media terrorist attacks, and Israel is always looking for more public support for their desire to dominate the Mideast region! From the comments at the link below: Would western intelligence pose as Muslims and carry out false flag operations to demonize their enemies and justify invading and occupying their enemies nations like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Palestine, etc.. Well, lets looks at the facts, shall we: Western intelligence staging dozens of false flag terrorist attacks throughout Europe over a span of FOURTY YEARS in what was since declassified, admitted Project Gladio: FACT! - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the False Flag Terrorist Attack on Americas USS Liberty: FACT - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the false flag terrorist attack against Americans in The Lavon Affair: FACT - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the false flag terrorist attack at The Hotel King David: FACT - Israeli caught posing as Muslims and trying to carry out a false flag terrorist attack by blowing up Mexicos congress: FACT - Israelis caught posing as Muslims on 911 in a van packed full of explosives trying to blow up the George Washington Bridge which was reported on by nearly all mainstream media outlets UNTIL they learned they were Israeli to which the story was then black out: Fact - Israelis caught posing as Muslims and carrying out the terrorist attack that was The Patriarchs Massacre: FACT So, yes, western intelligence could, would, and HAS posed as Muslims to carry out false flag terrorist attacks in their name. In this case, once again, unlike Muslims, the west has the motive, the means, the inside connections, and LONG history of such false flag operations especially being that France just days ago voted to recognize Palestine as a state and are just days away from voting on the UNs draconian, overreaching anti-terror bill.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 01:39:21 +0000

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