We can now officially say that the IRS harassment of conservative - TopicsExpress


We can now officially say that the IRS harassment of conservative groups is a political scandal connected to the Obama political machine. Despite the best obfuscatory efforts of Obama henchmen like Rep. Elijah Cummings, yesterday the IRS scandal was tied to a political appointee of President Obama. Step-by-step the chain is being followed upward … assurances that two rogue agents in a back office in the 27th most populous metropolis of America were the problem has been exposed as a blatant, outrageous lie. Now we know that Obama’s hand-picked agent was leading the initiative …. …Now we know the reason for all of those White House meetings by the IRS commissioner! He was getting his marching orders from the administration to crack down on conservative political groups prior to the election and reporting on his progress while delivering confidential tax information to the administration on conservative political candidates and donors which they then passed on to progressive groups who smeared conservatives in the elections! … Obama used the IRS to target his political opponents to insure his reelection in a stunning abuse of power that used the unlimited resources of the government to deny political speech in violation of the most basic tenets of the Constitution! » Al Sharpton, Posh Populist Living large among the 1 percenters. … In a healthy society, Sharpton might be on parole now — not the must-get guest for Meet the Press and Today on issues of racial justice. He was a ringleader in perpetuating the evil Tawana Brawley hoax … If he’d been locked up for that, he might not have helped incite the Crown Heights riots in 1991 … Perhaps if Sharpton had been shunned for his role in that, he might not have encouraged yet more violence in 1995 … » Hey Al Sharpton-Do You Still Call People “Punk Faggots”? enjoy this short video of Al Sharpton, before he was complaining to the FCC about bigoted journalists, you know in the good old days when he was lying about Tawana Brawley and leading Pogroms against Jews in Crown Heights and at Freddy’s Fashion Mart in Harlem. » Coal Plant Union that Endorsed Obama Protesting EPA’s War on Coal It’s hard to feel too sorry for Boilermakers Local 154. Not only did the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers endorse Obama, but Local 154 spent the money and influence of its members pushing “clean coal”. Trying to jump on the Green bandwagon probably seemed like a clever gimmick, aside from the fact that Obama and his Green Energy minions really hate coal. Obama even said so during his first election. So what did they really think was going to happen? Chris Matthews: I’m speaking for all white people Do I need to say it? oh what the heck … If Chris Matthews ever spoke for me, he wouldn’t need words. He would simply step into the restroom and suck-start a .45 From the comments: This is a first, reverse racism by a white, against whites, in the name of white racism, in support of black racism against whites…. a new alternate universe has just opened… » Asking For English Only To Be Spoken in American Classroom
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 19:07:10 +0000

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