We cannot tell you how overwhelmed we are from people’s - TopicsExpress


We cannot tell you how overwhelmed we are from people’s incredible results from completing one of our Juice Master Juice Plans. Whether it’s the 3, 5, 7, 14 or the daddy of all juice plans the Super Juice Me! 28 Day Juice Plan. One incredible story was sent in from Alison Ratcliffe… “I got into juicing after some work colleagues introduced me to it. They had amazing results from juicing, and I was desperate to lose some weight. I have struggled with my weight for quite a while, especially since my youngest child was born. I have tried all the major slimming clubs with varying success, and was even a consultant for one for a while. I find that I get fed up when the weight loss is slow, and get disheartened quickly, but no such problems with this! I had played at juicing for a while before Christmas, without much success, then one of my colleagues lent me a book to copy some soup recipes. I loved the recipes, so bought myself the book, Juice Yourself Slim. I was just going to use the recipes in the back of the book, but once Id read the first page thought Id read the book and see if I had any success. I read the book over Christmas, and started the launch plan early in January, weighing 13 stone 3lbs . 7 weeks in, I have now lost 24lbs, weighing in at 11stone 7lbs!!! Its years since I last weighed that. I love the fennel fuel recipe, and the blood builder smoothie, beetroot has to be one of my favourite veg anyway,but Id never tried fennel before starting the plan. I feel much less tired, as a single parent with 2 children and working I was always struggling for energy, but feel so much better now. My skin has cleared up loads too, although I do still get an occasional spot. I have loads more confidence too. Trousers that were rolling down because they were too tight are now falling down because theyre too big, and my new found confidence has led to me getting a new hair style, and feel like I want to spend more time taking care of myself. I have shouted about Jason Vale from the rooftops, I have told so many of my friends about the books, if I can help one person discover the magic, I will feel proud. My 2 younger kids are loving juicing too, my 2 year old loves the fennel fuel and avocado crush smoothies, and my 9 year old (sports mad) loves the super sporty smoothie. :) I fully intend to keep going now, I want to lose about another stone, then see where it goes from there!” Want to find out more details? Then simply click on the link below…superjuiceme/28-day-juice-plan/
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:30:01 +0000

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