We cant count how many smiles and hugs are shared around - TopicsExpress


We cant count how many smiles and hugs are shared around the world everyday. How many warm pats on the back or how many handshakes are shared. Likewise you cant count how many hearts are gutted by frustration, fattened with pain and swollen with depression. Nobody chooses this to befall them but as I write I cant stop thinking of how depressed people cope everyday. This may not be a speedy solution but it is indeed a wise way to look at it. I think if u hold on to the depression, not as a fear or a shadow, but as a proof of that ONE thing u dont want to be, my guts tell me u will make the end of that story a fairytale. And the beautiful thing about the way God made us is that everything is an answer to everything. If humans just listen and observe. Life is a beautiful concept. Life is the most amazing thing about life. Theres sumfn intriguing about everything. Even ur mere ability to lift a cup from a table and drop it back. The beauty of a solution is the problem; The beauty of a story- end is the story-detail. When wateva makes us depressed comes calling, it eats up the heart, drowns the mind and shrinks the body, makes u deaf to salvations loud cry for objectivity. But if u take ur mind out of self pity and pain as much as u can, U will see urself from another mans eye. Or even from Gods eyes. It myt take some time but at some point youll breathe, youll see, youll feel, and youll find understanding even in ur hurt. Theres usually the fear or sometimes even certainty of death or failure. But the thing is that even when u r thinking of it, u forget u r still breathing at that moment. A moment that may have defined your very existence. The morale of the whole story is that its okay to be worried, its okay to cry, honourable to mourn, normal to be afraid, devastated and whatever else. But what makes all these things bad most times is that human beings dont understand that answers lie in those emotions. The pain of depression that killed Mr A could have been the turning point for Mr B. Fear is as much of a tool as is bravery. When u r too brave and confident, u forget that fear exists. And being brave doesnt mean that if I pour a gallon of gas on u and strike a match, u wont turn to dust in minutes. So its okay to fear when you have to. But finding the balance between fear and courage makes u find wisdom, experience, success and indeed, fulfilment. If God really exists and he loves us, he wont bring upon humanity things that would destroy us. It simply means everything we see and feel has a role to play in everything we are or we become. So hold on to ur fears and ur depression, decide what to do with it. Decide to use them, Not as tools that define u but as tools that explain and emphasise who u are or want to be. They are nothing short of a reminder of the brutal reality that accompanies our existence sooner or later, which is that life doesnt come easy. The paradox is that though difficult, it is also simple. If u dont like being fat, shed some damn weight. Give it all it takes. If u dont like being slim, eat more. If u cant do anything about it, then spend the rest of ur life loving and appreciating yourself because it is that indepth happiness and fulfilment that radiates in ur smile and the way u carry urself such that genuine people come to love u for who you are. To hell to what the fake people like or dont like. So let this be a good morning to a new brand and an awesome personality that is YOU!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:59:09 +0000

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