We cant equate spending on veterans with spending on defense. Our - TopicsExpress


We cant equate spending on veterans with spending on defense. Our strength is not just in the size of our defense budget, but in the size of our hearts, in the size of our gratitude for their sacrifice. And thats not just measured in words or gestures. I came across this quote earlier today. Some of the news I have been hearing lately about how our government is treating OUR veterans with regard to their medical needs is just sickening. There is no greater sacrifice then to risk ones life for their country.... To send people off to war and then not give them the medical attention they need once they return home is absolutely inexcusable. This administration talks about wanting healthcare for all through Obamacare, yet wont provide proper healthcare for those men and women who risked their lives ON THEIR ORDERS, for our country. For me, its just another example of how our government leaders worry about their own agendas and positions first and everyone else a distant second. One way to fix this is to make caring for our veterans medical needs a HUGE campaign issue. When our politicians are worried about being voted into office, they will act, at least up until the time they are elected. That goes for Republicans and Democrats alike. I guess after the Benghazi mess and subsequent coverup, none of this should surprise me. If our administration is lying about 4 dead Americans in government service, why would they worry about the health of those who have survived a war. We will see a lot of photo ops this weekend to show just how grateful our president and all of our politicians are to our veterans, while behind the scenes our veterans struggle to see a doctor to get the healthcare they need. Hypocrisy at its highest level. I wont be watching any of it. The only bright side for our veterans is that they dont have to deal with Obamacare! They only have to pay for it like everyone else.... Weigh in! - M
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 16:48:57 +0000

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