We cant say THANK YOU enough for all the support...it is ALL so - TopicsExpress


We cant say THANK YOU enough for all the support...it is ALL so very appreciated! There is no way we could of done this without all of your prayers, comments and financial donations!!! With me leaving my business in Oregon to come here to be Tawnis arms, legs and voice I am unable to help her financially since I no longer have an income. I need to throw out a HUGE thank you to all my Aunts, Uncles & Mom (aka The Zempel living Trust) for granting leniency on my property loan until I am back to work. God is amazing how he sets the stage in advance to make things happen when they really need to happen! There is no way my family could make it in Oregon since I was the primary bread winner since my husband is finishing up his nursing degree and is in school full time until Sept of this year. For those that dont know me personally, I also have an 11 year old (who I was told when she was two that she had about a 2% chance of survival after suddenly going into a coma one day with no explanation except her brain was just shutting down....God saw me through that, He will see me through THIS!) she will be turning 12 this month without me, and a semi - new husband (Sept 22, 2012) who has had to pretty much resort back to his bachelor ways of 47 years pre marriage (thank God he has all that experience :) So right now financial aid, student loans and family help is paying the bills while I am here taking care of OUR Tawni! Like I said in the beginning...WE COULDNT OF DONE THIS WITH OUT ALL OF YOUR HELP! All of the donations have done more than any of you could ever imagine! I do feel an obligation to give an accounting of how the funds have been distributed to date. Although this may be unapproved by some, until this is your reality one never knows. Of the $22,700 raised so far, Tawnis portion is $21,850 of which $10,000 has gone towards end of life arrangements in hopes they are not needed for 50 years, but with a terminal diagnosis we discussed it in depth and know we will never have this opportunity if and when it happens. I have witnessed first hand the struggles of friends/family who have not had the funds to bury their family members. We do not want that to be an issue down the road. With that out of the way and filed we can now focus on the FIGHT! That left a balance of $11,850 of which $4300 has gone to housing here at UCLA during radiation treatments March 14th - April 29th (UCLA Grant saved us $3080...that was huge) Medical equipment not covered by insurance $400, Rx not covered by insurance $120, Auto repair on the vehicle that transports her $900.00 brings the balance to $6130. Food/Fuel/Parking has eaten up a chunk of that balance $3630 to be exact to date / (although her oncologist office donated $300 in Ralphs gift Certificates). Leaving a current balance today of just under $2500. We will find out hopefully this week if her insurance will cover her wheelchair rental past the 30 day initial coverage or if we need to purchase one. We are also going out of pocket for alternative treatments that are a bit pricey but worth trying! Thank you to all of you who have made all of this possible and THANK YOU Missy Fogel for starting this fundraiser and EXTENDING it. For all of you who have donated in anyway shape and form, please do not feel obligated to further donations but please continue to PRAY and please share this link and fighting with tawni fb link with others! Together WE will FIGHT WITH TAWNI! On behalf of Tawni and our entire family...THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS! youcaring/medical-fundraiser/a-mother-s-fight-for-her-life/136361
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 20:10:50 +0000

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