We cant see nearl this many stars in the city. That must be why - TopicsExpress


We cant see nearl this many stars in the city. That must be why yall dont think ya insignificant. Emy, girlfriend of the boss, is a funny girl. Born and raised amoungst the pines, she loves herbal remedies and stand up comedy. Shes got a lil extra weight on her, but she wears it well. Shes talkin to Larry, a high strung dude who kinda looks like Tommy Lee with a mo hawk. Larry grew up in the suburbs like me but when people ask where hes from he says Chicago cause thats where he lives currently. It seems like everyone hates admitting theyre from the suburbs. The city is considered to be cool and tough but I just see it as a smelly shit hole fulla self absorbed people and annoying traffic. Whatever, doesnt matter. Few things do. Fact is, city folk aint the only people wrapped  up in their own importance. We, as a race, are convinced of our own superiority. We have all these customes that we hold to be important and if people choose to live outside these customes we call them animals, like its an insult. But we all wild animals, brother. If you believe in evolution then not only do all humans come from the same place, but all animals as well. All life in general. Though humans do often act in a funny manner that implies some sort of soul or existence beyond the physical plane, I think that connection goes beyond just us people. All creatures on this planet are in competion, but at time are working together. Just as our bodies are a series of systems working together on a higher level, so is the Earth. Think some real circle of life-lion king esque shit. But the competion that defines natural selection is the same thing, I believe, seperates us. Not to toot our own horn, but humans are beating the dog shit outta evolution. I wouldnt say we have it won, I sure hope we dont, but in this game of life we stayin at the fancy pants retirement home. And the reason for this, beyond our big brains and adaptivity, is our tendency to work together. Plenty of animals run in packs, but none have built complex societies on the level of human beings. Everyone focusing on one job so the machine can work more effectively as a whole. Team work. People say the ability to do this stems from language which comes from our big ass brains, but I think its the opposite. Forming societies goes against the primal driving force of evolution, which is competion. We beat the system by finding a loophole in the rules. The more time we spent together, the more our ability to communicate evolved. The more we were able to communicate and share ideas, the more important a big brain became and the more successful thinkers became at passing on their seed. And now weve come to a cross raods. Too many smart, kind hearted people I know are not having kids. Call it fear or selfishness or what have you, all the people that should be breeding arent and all the people that shouldnt be are. Some people claim they dont wanna bring another child into this cold dark world, but without a new generation of good people, the world is only gonna get colder and darker. I may be a hypocrit, i dont got no kids and dont plan on having any for another decade, but at very least I plan on having some one day. Hopefully my theortical kids are good and influence others to do good and have good kids of their own and one day, after many generations, my existence wil prove to be not so insignificant anymore.
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 21:24:32 +0000

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