We chose a rather bold way - go quite deep and touching things - TopicsExpress


We chose a rather bold way - go quite deep and touching things that you have not probably never heard in context, than the occasional shard. We realize that not everyone is going to like what you hear. Sometimes you shake your head, someone will get upset and even scold, let everyone but itself chooses what to allow your consciousness, and what is it still too early. Feedback, including expletives is welcome; ask what interests you. Together we will find the answers. In our opinion nazrává time when it is important to understand the things of whose existence might already know, but we long overlooked. It is time to change.In previous work we have done that control us being present, so-called egregore that by gaining energy. And that is not easy to get rid of them ...Man is for them a source of energy. If a person becomes conscious, if less controlled, it is less a source of energy, and of course the shepherd egregore who has sheep that milked dislikes bears that he has one ubyde. And anyone that he drops out of the herd, trying to catch up. The man who tries to stand out from the system, take a few steps. The first steps are usually easy, so relatively quickly gets close to the boundary between bounded herd, systems, and the world. Once it approaches the boundary of that, egregore gaining attention, he follows him, and once he touches the border, or even exceed, the protective mechanisms are activated egregore who cherish their cash cow and try to download again. How? Sends her doubts about the new route and fear. Is there a way to show how the system can be in the middle of good in that I had a chance to think about it at all do a first step? This trigger is a level of consciousness in which one gets by itself. There may come by reading some literature zabýváním with esoteric topics and the like. But to even begin to read or work with it is a matter which I think is not given directly to us, but affect her particular life situation of each person. I need I can say from experience that in most cases that have passed through my counseling, Oni initial step to start with something of interest was the health of the person concerned or his children. On the so-called alternative way to get the majority of people who will become something that you can not cope or medicine for them is not an acceptable course of action. Or try it out and he does not. This can be an alternative to the esoteric, it can only be a medicine that is not the so-called West, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, something that works better in some cases. Or meets with psychosomatic, holistic doctor who asks him only to that leg hurts him, but he did what he did before and after. They help to even a crisis situation when a person experiences some stress , psychological stress, which may be associated with the death of a loved one, or the fear of life, someone bullies you, you are on the war zone ... Whatever interpretation is such that it enter yourself, or is it a predetermination, in terms of action outside our personality. But then - and this is a place, which in this episode we talk - we have the opportunity to do something. Or maybe do. I came from my own experience of the way in which I find very effective. This is not to say that it is the only way or the only correct, but in practice, I never nevyčetl. Although my clients started wearing books by renowned authors, who described it similarly. I would like to just talk about those places where we met with other authors and where you think it is buried dog and why after reading some books man can do the essential step. What did you discover? The way Ive found is the path through the emotions. Emotions in this case do not call experience as such, but an experience that when I have the opportunity to re-evaluate and disagree with him. Specific important example is that in the morning quarrel with his wife. It does not matter what the hassle is, who started it and who will end. The argument is one of the most effective ways to drain us of energy. What I discovered is a journey through the observation of these situations where the observations allows us to see with hindsight, more than what we were able to see the level of consciousness at the moment. Why is this important? Consciousness is a very important part of our story. The level of consciousness is increasing with time. Rises automatically and do not need to do anything about it. But each does not rise as quickly. If we put it in numbers, to make it more comprehensible to reason, so someone can note for ten years to increase by one level, but someone may get one level necessary for ten hours. And this is one of the first things when you need to start giving mind at ease. Because if the reason to interfere with the perception of what I describe will constantly argue and object and does not allow you to understand. We turn round to my senses back and not ignore it - on the contrary, reason is one of our most important components. We need it but get on his side. We do it. And we do it with the evidence. But at the very beginning of things you need to hear and tell yourself that you read the description to the end and give it a chance to try it myself. If you do not, you can not initiate someone from the outside. What exactly is consciousness? Its not intelligence . I do not accept the definition of smart, but maybe it could be that in terms of knowledge combined with experience. Consciousness is actually a sum of knowledge that has gone through practice and experience to become the experience. The level of experiences, which will pass and that will increase my level of consciousness will allow me that when that situation happens again, I can react to it differently. For example, not with anger and fighting. The level of consciousness is what allows us to see and understand the facts and context. It is the first stage of extrasensory perception, the ability to realize the facts and context. The second stage is the ability to distinguish facts from hypotheses. These are two very important stage of extrasensory perception. But we will get gradually. Because the stronger will be the foundation, the stronger will be the whole house. While increasing the level of consciousness of itself, but often does not rise as fast as it was necessary for us. And we have the freedom to raise the level of consciousness, through experience, through the expansion of knowledge. Knowledge is information that is given to us. Give us the information and we will spend that information. Then he gets to the level of consciousness and increases it. I suppose thats why us from schools, the media and the overall system get completely different information than that by raising awareness of the appropriate ... Course. As education and schools or the media do not provide information about which we are talking about, but they supply us the information that we keep the emotions and unconscious. I whole entertainment industry is based on emotion. If you live an emotion as I described it, and re-look at it and do not agree with what happened there, we can be absolutely sure that we are at the moment not acting freely. This means that everything we said and did, even in the best belief we said and did because we were in that situation only tool someone and something higher. This is something higher energy-information field, or, as I call it, being present, egregore. We call it the demon, it does not matter what words you use. For us in the most basic stage important that we are not acting freely. This information would you be most important to you to decide that you want to try to do it freely. How? Try to afford to stay at the very beginning, because the only way a person can create a solid foundation. If you already have a solid foundation, it does not even matter because the only description of what you already know. The first step is - ideally at the end of the day - pass retroactively what I did that day, and there to try to find emotion. At the moment I can find such emotions, I first important step behind. It is a number of people who claim that they do not experience anything like this. It usually says people who experience it the most, who are the emotions so often that I can not even distinguish that someone arguing. Because actually quarreling with the world and are constantly in tension. This space living sense. By therein fear. Therefore, such a person summarily condemn whatever nonsense, as it fears to deal with. Could it be determined that the structure of the mind are not solid. It could not hurt, broken by his world and he would free fall. Therefore, give people a sense of security, even if miserable, the unknown? Exactly so. For man is his world, even though it is not suitable, safe place knows it. He knows all the causes and consequences. Although he does not feel safe in it. Such a thing can be applied in labor relations, relationships and so on. Sightings emotions back can thanks to the fact that our consciousness is increasing with time. We trace the emotions, look at them and realize that we are not acting freely. How? Well, well see that what we have at the moment called his wife, boss or friend, its not what you really think. So know that we are not acting freely. The good news is that it can be taken back and these places can be changed and cleaned, which in turn positively affects our presence. In the next parts we will learn how. We at the moment have only one task - to realize and see that we are not free. Even that we control. And why do we need to see? Due to our reason, because it can not be eliminated from the game . We can not deny, ignore or labeled as stupid, balance is important. The balance between internal and external. We need that sense serve us, not we him. And the balance between ego and intellect. Among our own being and our physical body. We need to look for emotions in the past. It may be the day when they look in the evening, it could be a week, a year, our entire life. Any event with which I disagree retroactively, which would otherwise dealt with today. This enhances our ability to see it closer and closer control presence. There are people who say to me, I do not need to find emotion in his past. I need when I yell at my wife, it nenaskočit. How do I do that? And I tell them over and over again I say skip the first phase. There is first fixed point at which it is necessary to build everything. Our ego would have wanted to look at what will and what will be the window roof, but we just dig a hole in the ground. When the emotion reveal what happens then? If you can manage to observe and not to judge, that combine internal and external, do the third step - I realize that. What if redial? Of course, the situations are very strong. There is a need to afford to make mistakes and realize that the mountain we will climb gradually. Can not do this in one step, that will affect us some enlightened Indian guru and we suddenly everything comes and solves it by itself. There are situations that are difficult for us, but lets try. The more of those situations, the more it will increase our awareness and especially our ability to emotionally charged situations guess sooner than ex post. This is very important. When I find the emotion in the past and Ill watch her and not to judge, and suddenly I know why it happened? Yes, but beware of the ego. Ego basic level is our rival, with whom we will not compete, but youll have to watch it. Ego can ruin a lot of things. If we can detect emotions in the past, observe them and not to judge, we realize why it occurred. And with every little awareness of why it occurred, increasing our ability to detect emotion before. The procedure is as follows: First, we reveal the emotions that had taken place. They had already happened, and until you change it, they are part of us. The second stage is that we are able to capture the emotion, which is currently underway, and the third phase, the most interesting is the ability to detect emotion that comes. That means even before our emotions affect at all, we can catch it. This phase is already at the level of communication with the beings present at the level of extrasensory communication with the subtle world. Creatures that inhabit the subtle world and enter into interactions with us, and whether we know about them and acknowledge it, or we say that there is no subtle world and its complete nonsense. Even though this is happening. And the technique they submit, leads to the ability to look or feel different, other worlds, because these worlds are numerous. But that does not make sense right now to deal with, although the ego would like. Well get to that when the time comes. At the moment it is important for us to understand one thing - that we will go through the emotions that happened in the past, we gain more and more ability to capture the emotions that take place in the present. The more we catch emotions that take place in the present, will generate greater ability to capture the emotions that come before. If someone exceeds this procedure and will not solve your past, you will not be able to freely create their reality and to communicate freely. But hey, that does not mean that it will not communicate at all. As if being a present decision is to communicate, find a way. Many people then it considers a post promotions and feels exceptionally, that communicates something about them. The creature never fails Im a bastard I want you to suck, always present in some pretentious name, maybe that is God, the archangel or an alien form. One can of course feel flattered and can become someones speaking trumpet. Im not saying that any type of communication medium, channeling or automatic reception of information are bad, but I say not interact with anything, if you do not know what it is. Getting to know each other first, then discover the world around us and the creatures that inhabit it, because otherwise you can become a slave, though youll feel like spiritual leaders. I got to have some special ability, or is capable each? It can make everyone, it is no exceptional ability. Whether that happens decided by just being present particular because it is at a higher level of consciousness. They dominate us, not us them. Egregore control us through emotions because they want power. Thats what makes the whole system? Of course, because the system is above it all. In the hierarchy of the system is higher than egregore, and higher than we are. So when we are in quotation marks culprit, sooner or later the system. But my advice is to look another position in the hierarchy, Deal with the one in which you currently are. Because the most important thing is to free yourself, because then you will see things really as they are. And then I can freely decide whether to remain in the system or not, if you take the blue pill or the red. If we will succeed in capturing the emotion in the present, we shall see that it can be further divided into three phases. When someone shouting minute at a time, but remember, emotion starts to disappear. The next phase is that of someone shouting a short while. When we get to the stage that is just breath and its started. Its still emotion. Caution, do not confuse it with the suppression of emotions, it is not stopping power over ego, they yell me because at that moment I realize that my controls emotions. Emotions are even more at the third level, which only comes ... I have seen it before I take over? This third phase can also be divided into three stages. That emotion comes, you can tell that physically touches me. Im not at the stage that I get angry and breathe to yell and they yell, Im a bit further. I just feel that touches me. Its still not enough. The second stage is that it does not affect my emotions, but I suspect it around. This is the first phase of the championship, but when the third phase is correct - I feel that emotion comes. At this level, it ceases to be an emotion, because emotion is it only when you will get in contact with our body. Were talking only about the frequency. Its a certain frequency of emotion, which sends us being present. She selects a frequency of emotion, as it is found in the legends, the so-called masterful stroke, which is neither strong or fiery, its just a touch to the right place. No matter how much, but where to hit the opponent. So, being present to us only sends the frequency of feeling, which in itself is not bad, but we had something unresolved. As such targeted attack occurs? Frequency of us touches the sore spot, which we worked, where we have a block, and because we ourselves have a net frequency of feeling we transform the feeling. She goes through our ego and intellect to zmoduluje and we see it as negative. There will be over and it becomes the emotion. Emotion is an allergic reaction to the sense of the physical body. When we experience an emotion, our body sends emits energy. And this is the reason why this whole matter, that energy is being nourished present, egregore. Emotions in us. When the frequency of emotion coming from the front to us, we can imagine the energy space on our body as a gateway. Cit throughout the body and is influenced by a modulated ego. Ego adds its voice, and its rating. Ego says, what it actually feels. And this first phase it is wrong, creating a sort of virtual film that reflects our reason. Reason for this virtual film looks, but can not distinguish between it and reality. Let me give you an example. When evening lying in bed and I remember the morning argument with your boss, so suddenly angry, our muscles are in tension, sweaty, as if we were experiencing physical altercation. This is just proof that the mind can not distinguish that they are not in the morning in the office with the boss, but in the evening in bed. What is happening at the moment with our physical body, thus causing what? Front comes to us from the frequency of feeling, its okay. He enters into us and passing through the ego and intellect and it becomes a feeling, something that is PO emotion. And it is still okay, feelings are something like experiences. Many people say that if were without emotion, we become heartless people. Thats not true. The experience and emotions are in my terminology completely different concepts. Cit affect the ego and intellect. Ego will affect him as he wants and as needed, and gives him the ability to sense the realization that its going to believe. At this moment, the feeling comes back gate. Imagine the energy centers we as fans, tube having an inlet and an outlet. Frequency of feeling transferred feel at this moment comes back gate and changes in free will. Then everything is fine. Free will means that what is happening is what we want. Now, take that most people are going on in life what you do not wish. The error happens that the frequency of emotion that passes through the ego and the mind, does not work out in the form of free will, but remains in the body. Frequency of feeling is subtle at the basic level, has a very high frequency. As the light. Pass through the body materializes, the brain is perfect machine to materialize our reality, our desires. All the ideas and wishes of all who pass through us, to be exact, and he materializes ideas and wishes of other beings, and therefore control us. But do not. Where goes wrong? When the brain frequency of feeling a bit materialize and sends out as an expression of free will, its okay, just a little goes a reduced speed to implement it. But when it turns into emotion, the series will once again take place again over and over ego sense and even more slowly. Our back gate of free will only have a certain permeability, as if there was a sieve, and when it is more massive than a sieve - Im trying to compare it to - and it can not come out and it goes into the next cycle and materialize it even more and more to slow down, it will loop forever until it stops completely. A stop somewhere in our physical body. This place exactly corresponds to the frequency of feeling associated with our outstanding units. Every time it materializes elsewhere, depending on where it is the so-called ready, it gets stuck there. And this jam is already the border subtle and gross. We have some time for us to work with it and discuss it. That time is exactly one day, this is the actual presence of awakening to the present moment. If we catch the actual presence of emotion, we can again if accelerate change in her feeling drained and out. The emotion is older, it is massive and the harder it can handle deleted. That is why it is so important to deal with the emotions of the evening, because when we deal with them in the morning, is already following presence. Of course, but its better to deal with than twenty years, or not at all. What happens if not release it out? When the frequency is sufficiently materialize and slows down and stops, gets on the border subtle and gross material world. Both are massive, both are proven and there are already devices that it can capture. These devices by default we do not, but we have a standard device, which we call the senses of the physical body. And you can do the basic level perceive only gross material reality. Our sound subtle perception of the world is our extrasensory perception, which we systematically deprived upbringing and education. Every small child perceives extrasensory. If we do nothing, it will feel like that all the time. Whatever we do, however unconscious, takes a child hurts him. What is the emotion stopped? You can think of it as a bunch of cotton candy. Indeed, it seems there are already devices that can display it. Wad of cotton into the body, of course not. At a basic level, it is perceived as pain. The more there is, the more material is and the more it is provable and the more harmful to us. When it becomes what we call a block in psychosomatics or illness in standard medicine. Thats something you may not even so much harm at the moment, may be called a sleeping agent and wait for an opportunity. Occasions when someone from the outside is used as a weak point and strike there. The longer our emotions is more difficult to remove. But you can delete. The way to do it, we get in the next parts. What is the strongest emotion? Fear. Fear is a part of almost every emotion. And when I say simply, people are evil because they are afraid. When you solve fear and evil will be resolved. Fear is satan, satan literally means enemy. The devil demon evil creatures as human beings - and the devil was not created by anyone other than people - Satan uses to control people through fear. Jesus statement that the power of the beast is in fear and has no real power, is absolutely valid. But the basic level of consciousness or unconscious people have enormous power. Most people have a number of outstanding points and egregore control us - those of us soaking up energy, and use us for their goals. And it can do because we are her weaknesses. If we do, we cure, we treat and remove it, will not be easy to control us. In the first place it is not necessary to see that often act unconsciously and unfree. They actually attack frequency using a frequency emotion. Although the sentiment itself is fine, we are at weak points damage. Like when someone pats us. If we have a healthy skin, its okay. But if we have a huge skin sores that fester, so we caress it hurts. That is why it is so important route through the emotions. Everyone can get their own evidence. Important It is your own experience, we can be an inspiration for people only. On the other part, you can look forward to about a month.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:56:17 +0000

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