We collectively implement the institution of religion to navigate - TopicsExpress


We collectively implement the institution of religion to navigate our financial dilemmas out of the stormy seas. The church is the problem not the solution. There is no dogma or doctrine of any of these religious institutions that will navigate us out of chaos. Corpoorate house niggas take orders from their white masters. Entertainers and sports figures are merley court jesters and a marketing product as long as their market value is high. Black small business owners do not buy in volume so their pricing gauge falls below the index of competition. Money do not circulate in black communities. As soon as it is made the brinks truck shows up to take it out. At the same time the conspiracy of these confederate nations against the black holy nation over time has worn doiwn the will of the people. We promote and consume values that are foreign to our prosperity and international posture. So what do we do? What is our solution? The answer is when are we going to recognize the face in the mirror?
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 18:11:34 +0000

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