We did it. It was a long ride but we did it. Crow carried me - TopicsExpress


We did it. It was a long ride but we did it. Crow carried me ocean to ocean. All I can say is thank you. Without all of you showing up every step of the way it wouldve been next to impossible. Without you all supporting us and helping us it might not have happened but you did. All across the country you showed up for us and for the men and women we rode for. It was an incredible feeling crossing the gate into Pendleton today. I dont even know if I can truly put words to it but it felt right. Seeing the ocean and riding into it was something Ive thought about for awhile but it seemed so surreal in the moment. I want to thank everyone that came out to the beach as well it was amazing to have so many people show up for us. Thank you. I have said it many times but I meant it with every ounce of my being it is the honor of my life to have done this ride and to do it for my brothers and sisters. I have felt like I was home for awhile now but I told you we would ride to the pacific and I had zero intention of not living up to that. You have all stuck around for all the highs and the lows since may 1 and have given me purpose and that is something we all need. Theres no magic cure for coming home its something thats done one track at a time. Its a constant choice and one thats not always easy but its certainly worth it. This ride has definitely been worth it for me. As for me Im going home, Kristen and I will build a life. I will continue to shoe horses because I love it (if youre in CO and need your horse done message me!) we also will be talking to the Semper Fi Fund about vets and horsemanship maybe with mustangs. I do plan on writing a book for all those that are wondering. I will also be leaving the page up and will be checking it from time to time but this will be my last post for awhile. Thank you all for what has truly been a defining moment in my life. Thank you for donating and if you havent yet click on the link and help out the men and women that have given so much https://fundraising.semperfifund.org/fundraise?fcid=249300. We will load up in the trailer tomorrow and head back to CO and go home. Thank you all for riding with me and for allowing me to say what I had to. Tomorrow we go home for good.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 05:30:12 +0000

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