We do NOT oppose a rainy day fund. We oppose two components of - TopicsExpress


We do NOT oppose a rainy day fund. We oppose two components of Prop 2 that were added in March and June. First, our opposition is based on the addition of language to the constitution in March that violates Prop 98 - the minimum school funding guarantee. By altering the constitution to undermine school funding, Prop 2 dooms California to at or near the bottom of the nation in funding. Couple this with our status as 51st in the nation in student-teacher, student-counselor and student-librarian ratios, and you can see why we are distressed. California, the 8th largest economy in the world, has what approaches a third world education system in some districts. In addition, language added in June adds a law to the books that would force school districts to disburse $5 BILLION in savings whenever a nickel goes into the state school savings fund - leaving them very vulnerable. Fitch has warned of credit risk to districts if Prop 2 passes (businesswire/news/home/20141031005447/en/Fitch-CA-Voter-Initiatives-Impact-Budget-Credits#.VFmD2b7WLri). The state is the schools worst debtor - owing schools $4 BILLION as recently as last June. Reserves are the only safety net many districts have when the state does not come through on its payments. Prop 2 is fiscally and philosophically (didnt the governor just say he valued local control?!) offensive and will hurt kids, schools and California. Watch CalChannel at 1:40 if you want to see desperate legislators trying to stop this runaway train last June - to no avail (calchannel.granicus/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=7&clip_id=2239). Get informed at 2BadForKids.org. We dont expect to defeat Prop 2 - the governor has spent $12 MILLION selling this to voters - vs $5,000 we moms have spent. It is disappointing, to say the least, to see yet another way Sacramento has found to take the money that should be going to public education. For previous legislation, look at Yes4ed.org to see how schools now give up $7 BILLION in their local, stable property taxes to pay state obligations - and this is not reported (e.g. LA County reports 41% of property taxes going to fund their schools - the actual number is less than half of that). And see the Prop 30 realignment language to see how Prop 98 was undermined as recently as 2012. Prop 2 is TOO bad for kids, public education and California. EVERY no vote tells Sacramento voters want this madness that hurts our children to stop. We started this fight with 21%
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:10:14 +0000

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