We do not encourage Rating in this group rather we encourage - TopicsExpress


We do not encourage Rating in this group rather we encourage Constructive Criticism This post is about how to give and how to deal with it for a better purpose. Based on a literal translation: Constructive criticism is the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. SOURCE:(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constructive_criticism) Dont be guilty about how negative your constructive criticism is as long as it STANDS and its RATIONAL towards the artwork it refers to. The fact is that its the negative part that HELPS an artist know or have an idea about the next step. The positive part plays its role as encouragement Thats why having both is best. If its all just negative then its not that constructive. There should be both positive and negative. Another is that you when giving criticism it doesnt need to be so nit-picky like Oh the nose is too squished, the trees are too small and weird. Blah blah Instead we try to say this: Id have to say that your proportions are kinda off so you might want to work on them especially the eye and the nose area. The lighting...blah The second option sounds better right? Unless the artist ASKS you to be nit-picky then go ahead since they dont mind! SO how do we deal with it if we receive one? Always remember that constructive criticism is not a personal thing. Its referred to your artwork and current level of skill. So the first step is analyzing the criticism you received. Is it constructive? or an Insult? If it is an insult disregard it since it will only ruin your self-esteem. If its constructive, take the critics advice into account. Do some research about it, ask others how and then practice it. Not being personal about it is the best way to go. *Gives you Medal* For reading this far!!! YAY!!! I HOPE THIS HELPS
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0000

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