We don’t stand a chance, eh? Me and Billie went to the gun show - TopicsExpress


We don’t stand a chance, eh? Me and Billie went to the gun show in EVV Saturday. It was not that great. Billie said for the umpteenth time he was never going to another gun show. It was pretty pitiful there was not a gun in the entire place I wanted; imagine that. After bombing out at the gun show we went to Billie’s favorite restaurant for a late lunch. Lunch was good. We were sitting across the isle from a couple of old yellow dog Democrats man & woman. The old guy was telling the food server that he had enough money to buy the place; “was it for sale?” there was not a lot of humor in his attitude. So me and my big mouth, well he was a little old guy and I’m always packing, eh?; so I fear not. I interjected my story about traveling the length of North America looking for a bar with NO TV in it and that if ever found one I would buy it. But, now that I am a farmer I could barley pay for our lunch. The gentleman did not go along with being a farmer = being broke; as it turned out he was not from Pike County. He said he was a farmer and he was rich and that his land was worth $15,000 per acre but he would not sell. He said something about making so much interest on his land. That makes no sense so I did not respond. I lamented my line about my place not being worth half (true) what I have in it if I could sell it and he asked me about coal. I do have coal and only own ½ half of the mineral right. I sure glad I did not mention oil or we would still be there, eh? All this drives Billie up the wall; he hates it when I start bullshitting. I brought up the subject of permitting and that the local mine is only permitted up to my nearest section line and Obama has not issued any new permits since He took office. AND, when the mine hit that section line they will have to shut down. (I left out the part of me rejoicing on that day because there would be no more coal trucks trying to kill me on the highway) So then the “truth” comes out; He was a local Democrat politician from a nearby county who had been elected 13 times to a county office. His brother used to be the “Boss” of my mine. He had not one clue about the permitting process for miners; me being a miner & and a US Government Validity Examiner, retired knows too much about that; He & the woman thought the state government and the Republicans in the state government were the problem with shutting down the mines & power plants which was news to them anyway and that I should go to the court house and bribe the county surveyor to get a permit to mine the coal under my farm. He did not know that Obama is the guy. They both thought it was George Bush who is trying to get us in a War in Syria. By this time Billie was about to just walk out, he lacks a sense of humor. I said George Bush never met a War he did not like except the one he should have been in and of course the yellow dog politician was not a veteran, eh? The guy did spot me as a Democrat. I admitted that I had been one most of my life but would be ashamed to be a Democrat today. Then out came the Gold miner from Alaska stuff. I threw out that in Alaska I had belonged to the Alaska Independence Party but they did not take that Sarah Palin bait, (Sarah was never a member of the AIP as accused by the godless Marxist Democrat Media; it was her dad and I find that hard to believe as father Palin is a Penacolist and the AIP was founded in a Bar, I was there.) darn I was having fun. It also came out that this guy had never heard of an S-Corporation and had no idea about tax pass through. But, he had made a lot of money farming and in the stock market. There is no hope. I weep for my country, eh?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 16:27:42 +0000

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