We don’t want China’s food we want their ideas on - TopicsExpress


We don’t want China’s food we want their ideas on technology! If money wasn’t worth food, there would be enough food for everyone instead of burning surplus or unsellable food due to declining overseas demand. We need to feed our Country, feed the starving oversees and trade the rest for foods we like but don’t grow here! Australians should merge all currency here, hand it back saying here’s your deficit (we then do not owe any money to anyone), due to a Majority vote by Australians and their Sister Countries to transform our economies into cashless economies. Money no longer has worth in our Societies, however what else have you got to offer for what you want from us? There are people starving in OUR COUTRY and we are burning food, I don’t get that! Defence forces should be withdrawn from any occupation overseas, this is their war not ours we shouldn’t be involved. The statement made for this action is simple. We are in a transition into a cashless economy and we are recalling our defence forces to assist with a smooth transition, pls do not take this as a threat or that we feel threatened as it is not the case. We simply require the manpower, trades knowledge and scientific research required to make the transition that Australians and their Sister Countries People wish for! More and more people are committing crimes due to lack of money, simply to feed themselves and their families, YOU CAN”T EAT MONEY! This is urgent the economy crash has been predicted for years, the patterns showing in all transactions to do with exchanging goods for currency support that prediction. We need a plan B and we kinda need it pretty fast or Australia is going to down with the rest of the boats and all that money is going to wind up all in one place. Our dollar is strong because they need it to be strong for the moment but as with the nature of pyramids eventually it’s going to crash. They orchestrate the crash so the pyramid crumbles from the bottom out, visualize a pyramid if you collapse it from the base out you get a whole pile of rubbish with a smaller pyramid sitting on top, if you crash it from the top starting with the very first apex “all torn down”. You suddenly make those people who are powerful because they have all the money, weak and equal to everyone else CRASH. Hey we got this and this and this and you want it what you got to trade for it? Movies? ERRRM No thanks all your stars are coming here because they agree with us! Fast food? Errrrm no thanks that’s killing us what else you got? Money? Nah that’s just a piece of paper no use to us what else you got?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 09:20:15 +0000

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