We evolve constantly on our life journey... I will never forget - TopicsExpress


We evolve constantly on our life journey... I will never forget the day Adam was born... It was the day my life changed forever... The day I stepped from a well lit road... onto the path less travelled... Adam was diagnosed at three months with Cerebral Palsy... We were devastated... Our son was disabled... What quality of life would he have... How would we ever manage to raise a child who would require specialised care his entire life.... We were completely overwhelmed too... Isnt it funny how over time and with changing circumstance our perceptions change... He thrived... and in doing so, taught us more about ourselves than we thought possible... I started referring to my son as having Special needs... We started thinking... We can do this.., we have what it takes.... Time and again our confidence was broken... We were forced to admit that we had much to learn... We nearly lost our home as the reality of mounting and constant medical bills hit us hard... We fought, we failed too often to mention...We wanted to run from it all... We cried... and then we started to Pray... Only then did we discover the humbled version of ourselves... Stripped of all lifes finery, we found that our Love for Adam meant that we should trust our instincts... lean on our Faith... and find Gratitude in every Divinely Granted moment with our son... We have come close to losing him too often to mention... Have had to answer our paediatrician on the question of whether to resuscitate him or not when he has been gravely ill... begged God for his Life when we felt him slipping away... and knelt in Gratitude each time he was returned to us.... Now, I tell people that I have a Special son... He is no longer Disabled, otherwise abled... Or Special needs... He is simply Special... Why... Because he Lights up our world... His infectious laughter is music to our ears... His smile has won him many friends.... He has been our greatest teacher... And, he introduced us to our souls... He is Adam... our Special son...x
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:35:48 +0000

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