We fail to Understand that there is no need for Revolution, We the - TopicsExpress


We fail to Understand that there is no need for Revolution, We the People Have already won. We only must to remember We the People Ordain and Establish the Constitution -Law of the Land- for the United States of America -Federal Corporation- to obey. We did not Decree the Law for Our Representatives to write Laws that Limit US in any way, We Decreed The Law to obligate all Government agents To Serve and Protect US and our Rights from Banks and other Corporations that seek to Profit from our Oppression. In a Self Governing Republic For, Of, and By the People, the People Retain or Reserve All Natural Rights not Civil Rights granted and denied By the very system that has no Lawful Authority to even think about Laws that set limits over US People regarding our Rights and Privileges because they are the Hired Protectors of our Inalienable Rights Guaranteed Equal for everyman in every State! The whole Problem With the Equal Protection Clause is that it was Never Properly enforced By the whole People. Now that you Know that We are a Armed Government Of the People, Intrusted By God with Supreme Authority of Law to Defend the Rights of US People From Foreign Enemies as well as Threats from within Our Government. Elected Representatives or Public Servants that Make or enforce Laws concerning our Rights are in direct Violation of the Law, that which We Decree, as Kings We the People are already Free. If We dont take Back Control of our own lives and Rights, We Will be Killed by the Police State We are allowing them to build from our Fear. It is our Obligation to obey The Law By Defending Our Families Rights to be Free in the years to come. If you disobey Both Gods command to obey the Law of the land, insofar as it does not violate Gods Law you May have to answer for that Choice. In America the Law is the The People who Decree the Law of the Constitution For the Government. This document only gives the Fed and State Government the limited ability to tax Only to Provide for the Common Defense and Promote a safe fare environment for Free trade by regulating Commerce. As our Rights are Protected By US Pursuant to the 2nd Amendment. We must clearly Obey the Law By not consenting to any system that requires you to give your children as Slaves to the National Debt whos name is the Federal Reserve. The Social Security Number Being the number of the name of the Consenting Slave (Taxable Corporate ID Number). Simply stop being a Party to the treason es State and turn back to the true Law of the land before We are conquered by our own fearful and Ignorant treason.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:59:08 +0000

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