We feel extremely blessed to have found our passion. Heres our - TopicsExpress


We feel extremely blessed to have found our passion. Heres our tips to help find passion: 1. Stop what you’re doing. Spend an hour, or a day, or a whole week to just stop and slow down. The feeling of ‘stuck’ is usually fuelled by a hated routine so just stop it and reflect. We find it helps to write down the feelings that come up when you just stop. 2. Find your inner child. Take time to reminisce and remember what you just loved doing and what you were good at. Most passion is born from what we were good at as a youngster (before the world got to us). Talk to your parents and siblings, look at old photos and home videos, read an old diary. 3. Listen to your gut, we know this gets said a lot but have you ever just really listened? Most of the time we know what the answer is we just don’t hear it. We knew we had to detox our lives and this is what led us to our bliss aka passion. It was like the more we detoxed the negative out of our lives, the louder our gut voice became. Yes gut voice is a thing. 4. Think positively. Turn the positive switch on! Say this now “I am amazing and have so much goodness to add to this world”. Our positive switch seriously changed our lives. 5. No fear. After all it’s False Evidence Appearing Real. Our fears haven’t happened yet so let’s stop putting all our energy towards them and allowing them to control our lives. In the end, what is the bigger risk: to follow a crazy dream or spend the rest of your life thinking ‘what if?’ Ok questions for YOU! Have you found your passion? What is it? How did you find it? How are you following it? What’s keeping you from following it? We would love love love to hear from you! Always merrymaking, Emma + Carla
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:25:00 +0000

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