We [former] Gentiles have a legitimate place in Israel. We have a - TopicsExpress


We [former] Gentiles have a legitimate place in Israel. We have a place more secure than any Jewish (or Isrealite) ancestry, or spurious conversion ritual, could ever offer us. Our place is secured by the blood of Messiah and foreordained by the Eternal Purpose of God. We have an identity in Israel among the People of God. Just as Abraham believed by faith and it was credited to him as righteousness - before he was circumcised - we have a place in Israel. Just as he brought near those who were far off, we have been brought near through Messiah and been given a place in Israel. Just as Ruth was compared to a goodly branch grafted into Abrahams tree, we have been grafted into Israel. Just as Joseph married Asanath, the pagan, Gentile daughter of an Egyptian priest, so too we have been granted a place in Israel by virtue of our Husband. Just as Jacob adopted Ephraim and Manasseh as his own sons, giving them a place and inheritance among the tribes of Israel so too our Father in heaven has adopted us into His people (family), the Hebrews. For we are all adopted children, and we have together been granted a place in Israel. Just as the Hebrews passed through the Red Sea like converts passing through an immersion, we have been born again. We are no longer slaves to sin. Rather, we have been born again of an imperishable seed (Messiah Yeshua). We are new creations, made a part of Isreal. Just as the Master Yeshua said, He has sheep not of this sheepfold (the Jews), which He must bring and join to that sheepfold; just so we have been brought in to Israel. Just as Israel was betrothed by God to be His special treasure, a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy nation, so we have been joined to the bride and given a place in Israel. Just as the voice of God at Sinai spoke in the languages of every nation and the Spirit spoke through the believers in the languages of every nation at Pentecost, we of every nation have a place in Israel. Just as Cornelius the Roman and his household received the Spirit prior to any conversion to Judaism, thereby demonstrating that salvation is by faith, we have a place in Israel. Just as the Galatians and the Ephesians were made sons of Abraham by faith in the Seed of Abraham (Messiah Yeshua) we have a place in Israel. Just as John saw a mighty throng, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people and tongues standing before the Throne of YHVH, we have a place in Israel. -Excerpt from The Mystery of the Gospel by D. Thomas Lancaster
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 19:50:44 +0000

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