We get messages from parents all the time. The page recieved this - TopicsExpress


We get messages from parents all the time. The page recieved this for which i have permission to use: Ive just been reading a website about home schooling. It states there is no legal definition of full time education, in the sense of hours and days, and that there is no legal obligation on parents to send their children to school at all, merely one to provide an education suitable to the childs age, ability and aptitude. What legal basis can be used to fine parents who take their children out of school for holidays? Perhaps you could organise a mass deregistration of kids at the most punitive schools and overwhelm the LAs with new home schooling applicants. It is a really good question. what legal basis can be used to fine parents who take their children out of school for holidays. Well for start some will say it is because the parents have entered a contract with the school and therefore because we have signed up to send our kids to school the government have the right? to fine parents. If you de-register you are no longer in that system. But i know there are many legal challenges that many would be interested in. The definition of the word regular in the context set out in Education act 1996 section 444: Offence: failure to secure regular attendance at school of registered pupil. Or the legal challenge of what is full time education.... but as no solictors, education or otherwise have come forward as of yet, (probably need to reach far more people ) it would be down to funding to mount legal challenges. We do not have that funding. If everyone on this page 10,000 (although not everyone is checking in regularly) so we will say if everyone donated £2 math says we would get £20,000, but in reality about £10,000 if that...£4 =£40,000, in reality £20,000 ... but you can see what i mean. We keep going along with what we can. But for 2015 with election 5 months away, legal challenges is the last thing governments want. It is difficult. As much as i would love to organise de-registeration, marchs, etc... the question is do we have that support yet? De-reistration is very difficult for parents with little support, single parents, both parents who work. What is it your doing to help the campaign would love to hear ideas to kick start the new year comment or message the page to see if we can use any.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 10:50:00 +0000

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