We get weary and worn and when those feelings come we often begin - TopicsExpress


We get weary and worn and when those feelings come we often begin asking the why questions. Why do I exist? Why do I get up every morning to work all day, so I can get up every morning to work all day, so I can get up every morning to work all day? Where does God fit all this? According to Solomon, if you are looking for satisfaction by indulging your appetites—you are in for a miserable, sigh of a life. Solomon’s story is about the danger and the temptation every one of us faces of drifting spiritually from God. Very few of us wake up one day and get out of bed saying, “I’m done with you God.” It happens subtly and slowly. You get distracted. People come into your life. Relationships come into your life. You get busy and you just sort of drift. You used to pray and be more engaged spiritually, but you haven’t been prayerful in a while. You used to crack your Bible open and try to learn about God or connect with others at church, but you haven’t had time. You believe in God, don’t get me wrong. But we all face the temptation of drifting. Solomon in Ecclesiastes calls us back. He reminds us that only in saying Yes to God again will we find the fulfillment we search for. When I start to drift spiritually, when I’m not regularly thinking about God and who he is in my life, I find my dissatisfaction with everything else begins to grow. My sense of contentment begins to decline. But when I say yes to God, everything opens up. I’m thrilled you are joining me in this study because it says you are willing to learn and grow and experience more of God’s yes. Just by watching this you are making a statement about your desire to say yes to God. One way we can more fully say yes to God is to delight in God.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 05:15:13 +0000

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