We had a great LAST weekend in Minneapolis. Roger’s parents came - TopicsExpress


We had a great LAST weekend in Minneapolis. Roger’s parents came down to spend time with us and help us move back home. Charlie has come so far since they were last in town and I loved watching them see for themselves what a miracle these moments are right now. Although I have shared most of the journey with all of you through my posts, the version you get is as sugar coated as I can make our toughest times. No one wants to hear how bad things really are. You can read between the lines and know that this wasn’t a walk in the park ☺ Roger’s parents are among the few that have seen Charlie at his worst and can attest to how remarkable he is doing now. Yesterday, we had our last appointments with the team of doctors here and got the final approval to leave town!!! Charlie also got the ok to attempt stopping tube feeds during the night because he has been eating so well the past few days. It was a day of unbelievably good news!! I have laid awake most of the night excited to be leaving town today and reflecting upon this journey. I vividly remember the Thursday morning in July when we were given a date for the TP-IAT and the millions of thoughts that ran through my head from that point on through the day of the surgery. Is this really our only option? Can Charlie survive this? How will this affect the rest of this life? Can I physically hand my baby over to Dr. Chinnakotla and allow him to remove multiple organs from his tiny body? What will his life be like if we don’t do this? Does our family have the strength to get through this? How is Carter going to watch his brother go through this and handle having his own life turned upside down? What do we do about schoolwork? What about our jobs? Where will we live? How will we afford this? The list went on. Today, I just can’t help but smile and want to shout “WE DID IT!” We made it through the toughest time in our lives and SURVIVED!! And I would like to even go as far as to say, we not only survived-we ROCKED it!!! The days were harder than we ever anticipated, with several unexpected surgeries along the way, and yet we all came out smiling! Those two beautiful babies of mine are my heroes! The strength they have had through all of this amazes me! Charlie still has a ways to go in his recovery and there will undoubtedly be tough days ahead of us. We pray that the toughest days are behind us and that the good days continue to far outweigh the tougher ones. Thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts, for being a part of our journey and for supporting our family. Team Charlie has given us more strength than you can ever imagine! The power of prayer has proven itself over and over again through Charlie’s battle. We are beyond blessed! #HOMEBOUND! #WewillalwaysLOVETeamCharlie! #WEDIDIT! #KEEPPRAYING!
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:11:24 +0000

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