We had a pretty good but really long check-up today at clinic! - TopicsExpress


We had a pretty good but really long check-up today at clinic! Ryans regular counts all look good- his BUN was 34 so he was really dehydrated (attributed to medications and sickness) so he had to get fluid via IV while we were there. Good news is that he ate some chicken and fries and ice cream while at clinic! (We are able to get the safe neutropenic-prepared plates from the hospital catering for him to eat while at clinic. His little head is starting to get fuzzy ❤️! The anti rejection medicine he takes actually speeds hair growth- but not just on his head- sweet baby has peach fuzz on his back, arms, side burns, ears, and legs! And supposedly the medicine also makes the hair a little darker (so Im holding out for blonde to still come back on his head!) It is such a wonderful sight having him feel better- he is back to talking more and playing a more too! I would say he is about 85% himself, which is much better than the 5% he was at during the lowest of this illness! Now we are trying to figure out how much fussing and whining and wanting to be held and wanting to sleep on us is actually him still feeling bad or habit??? BUT praise the Lord- while writing this he woke up in his bed and actually WENT BACK DOWN by himself- first time in like 3 weeks! Super thankful for that little God-wink! I need to clarify one thing I mentioned in my last post about take out food (because several of you were so sweet to message and offer to drop some off)- once we hit day 100 Ryan can have food prepared outside the home! Woohoo!! Now we still cant take him anywhere and will be somewhat selective on foods he can have (like no salad bars or cold deli turkey for him), but yall I just cant wait to get the kid some fries in the drive through! A sweet new friend of ours have Ryan some Juice Plus+ gummies that we are really excited about! The company basically takes fruits and veggies and breaks them down into a small powdered form that keeps the nutrition and healthy properties in tact... Then they have capsules or gummies to eat them- so Ryan is eating those some, hopefully we will get him to eating them daily because its the best and most sure way to get all those good nutrients in him when I know good and well he isnt going to be eating 10 servings a day! Ryan is still loving letters! He likes to find and point out the ones he knows! He has learned recently that F is for Franco (his big dog brother, although he calls him OhKo so I wonder if thats confusing...hmm). Yall I really dont ever teach him about colors!?! Both his grandmothers do but I just dont... I hope thats okay... Ill try to start that more after the first of the year. He just likes letters and numbers so I figure no point in making him learn something he doesnt show interest in with me- right? Day 100 (Dec 12) and 2nd Birthday (Dec 22): Both are fast approaching! And although I had high hopes for having a joint celebration for these two joyous occasions, it looks like that wont be safe for Ryan quite yet. So we will have a pretty regular Day 100- complete with Chik-fil-a!! And for Ryans birthday we will just do a small family get together to celebrate. BUUUT sometime, maybe late January, once the doctors are comfortable with Ryans immune system stability.... We will have a HUGE party for our sweet boy!! One that he can have friends at to play with and run with and all that cool kid interaction stuff!! Well Im off to do laundry.. I have 4 loads to fold and one to dry... And probably 2 more to wash! Whew- thankful to have it to do! Thank you for praying for Ryan to get well from that awful strep- we definitely seem to be on the other side of it! Bowl of powdered donuts- he eats one bite and wants a new new. Big bit into a cinnamon roll! First food to really like in 2 weeks! Sacked out on mommys lap. Snuggled up after bath with daddy. Getting ready to go to clinic. At clinic. First time to wear a mask ever because he wanted to go in the hallway to see his nurses.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:28:25 +0000

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