We had a room in a fancy club, nearly ripping our clothes off - TopicsExpress


We had a room in a fancy club, nearly ripping our clothes off with lust taking over our souls. Moaning, I grabbed his shoulder blades as he gripped me ass, grinding against me on the bed. My hair was a tangled mess, as he had run his hands through it so many times, I had lost count. His erection was hard against my core, leaving me wanting more and more. He gripped a fistful of my shirt and tore it off, me too wantingto care. I moaned again in pleasure, not wanting him to stop. His eyes stared long and hard at mine, making sure I wanted to do this. I nodded in reply. His teeth bit down on my lace bra, pulling it off for my breasts to bounce down. his gaze never wavered from his prize and I slowly started to blush. Dont be embarrassed, my precious. You are beautiful, the most beautiful anybody could ask for. And with that, he clenched his teeth around my left breast, the other rubbing my ass in fast strokes. I pulled on his shirt, wanting to feel his abs I so desperately needed. It took no time at all for him to take it off, his tongue latching on to my right breast. I panted breathlessly, wanting more still. His fingers poked and pinched my breasts, his mouth now trailing kisses from my stomach to my core. my breasts turned to large mounds. His tongue flicked over my jeans, making me squirm in utter pleasure. My impatience got the best of me and I kicked them off, taking in the scent of him. I found my hands feeling him up and down, hesitating before feeling his erection. He flinched back, only to come back harder and stronger. He ripped of my panties and I could feel myself getting wet inside. But instead off what I thought he was going to do, he flipped me over so I was facing the bed face down. I jerked forward, grappling the sheets in front of me when his thumb traced my crack, going deeper with each stroke. Just when I thought he had finished, his tongue rolled down my crack, leaving a wet trail. I snapped around, facing him again in pure shock. He stepped back for me to stand, his eyes full of confusion. His hand reached towards mine, but I grabbed it and swing himself on the bed. With him facing down, I stuck my thumb in his belt loops and pulled down his pants, going slowly, just to tease him. His heavy breathing came in hot, ragged breathes. Jessica... He murmured my name, but before I could say anymore, I stuffed my mouth with his. My tongue stroked his, our saliva mixing ad pleasure swelled against me. Moaning into the kiss, I broke away before it could get intense. I would be in charge here. I went back down and placed my hand on his erection, now perfectly confident I had control over him. His erection rose higher, if that we even possible. One of my fingers flipped in his boxers, giggling when I heard him groan. My finger traced the length of him, finally pulling his boxers down. I charged onto it, my tongue lapping on this length. He placed his hands on my head, making me deep throat him, but it was all my pleasure. I let go with my mouth, replacing it with my hand, pumping hard on him. Before I could get to the 6th pump, he whipped me around, with my back now on the soft bed. He stepped off the bed, dragging my legs to the edge. What is he doing...? I couldnt think anymore, when I saw his tongue stick out to give me a small hint. His tongue licked my bare thighs, slowly working its way up. My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets, this was the most intense pleasure iIve ever felt in my life. His tongue finally reaching my core, I gasped as his tongue entered me. My wetness was now pooling down my legs, my moans and groans filling the room. His tongue swirled around my clit, pushing one or two fingers in along with it. His fingers pumped in and out of me, my wetness dripping from his fingers and onto his bare legs.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:04:25 +0000

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